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RIP, Panbanisha

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My wife Karen is heartbroken today. Panbanisha, a bonobo who Karen raised for the first several years of her life, died today at the age of 26 at the Great Ape Trust in Iowa. Karen is a research psychologist and chair of the psych department at Spelman College in Atlanta, but earlier in her career, before I met her, she worked at the Language Research Center, which studies primate language and intelligence. Karen was the primary caregiver for Panbanisha and Panzee, a chimpanzee. She and "the girls" communicated with a symbol board containing several hundred lexigrams. Both Panzee (who is still living at the Language Research Center) and Panbanisha were quite intelligent and were adept at "talking" with humans.

Karen visits Panzee every once in a while, but hadn't seen Panbanisha since she moved to Iowa in 2005. Her are some old pictures of Karen and her girls, from 1987 to 1989. Panbanisha is the ape on the right or on top in all the pictures.


And in case you're not sure, bonobos are related to chimpanzees; they are now endangered, and they're the species whose DNA most closely resembles that of humans.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm really sorry to hear about this. I can imagine when you work so close with these animals you grow to be friends. Such a smart beautiful animal! I'm very impressed by the work your wife does, must be thrilling to study and work with animals this way. She and her friend Mike must be very upset. Thank you for posting the video and the lovely pictures.

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Thanks Jeff. Well, that's equal impressive. I can understand exchanging stories helps to deal with the loss. Like I've said I'd imagine becoming friends with animals that way, it is a feeling you'd never loose or forget.
I searched for the college. Am I right when I understand it is a college especially for women?

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