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Posts posted by Pim

  1. 12 minutes ago, Smith said:

    Just got an email from Matt as follows.  Told him I'd be updating others as well.

    Hopefully he gets everything sorted out health-wise.


    Thanks for sharing. That’s good to hear. I’ll wait some more than. I hope he’s doing okay. He definitely needs help running the business of course. It’s so great he kees the Nimbus legacy alive but it probably takes more from him than he can take at the moment. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Д.Д. said:

    Oh, the Chet sad, Chet tragic thing... What is exactly so "sad" about Chet? That he was a junkie? That he lost his youthful good looks? Might be sad for someone, but I just do not see Chet ever being "sad" about it. On the contrary, I see Chet as a guy who lived his life just as he wanted and, in objectives terms, he somehow faired much better than most (definitely better than any junkie musician I can think of). In the '80s he earned better than the vast majority of the musicians of his generation (the guy lost count of Ferraris he bought) and definitely did not suffer from the lack of touring and recording opportunities or recognition (contrast this to another contemporaneous junkie trumpeter, Woody Show, for example). He played as well as ever and produced some of the best jazz albums of the '80s. He was surrounded by friends (no, not everybody in his circle was a drugs enabler) who doggedly took care of him when he needed it - even when he himself was completely unreliable. Ladies flocked to him (so much for the worn-out looks). Even health-wise, he was surprisingly robust for his lifestyle at the time of his death (I remember reading that the examining coroner estimated his age as "mid-thirties" in the pathology report). Regarding the circumstances of his death - most likely this is neither a murder, nor a suicide, but an accident. Sad fact, for sure - but not a sad life.  


    I can’t say I agree. You claim that Chet lived his life the way he wanted. That sounds like he was in control of his own life while I believe a heroin addict is never in control of his life and could never live the life he wants. Sure he remained successful up till the end of his life but succes doesn’t equal happiness as so many musicians have proved. Chet was a regular visitor of the police station my father in law worked. He was in all sorts of trouble always related to drugs. He got robbed, beaten up and he ended his life by jumping out of a hotel window. That doesn’t sound like a happy person in charge of his own life.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have used the term sad person as that has a negative feeling. But he lived a life that could have been so much better and, though he certainly had his moments, I very much doubt if he was really happy.

  3. 1 hour ago, felser said:

    I wouldn't write it off yet.  I believe that Matt is an honest man, and that this is a labor of love for him.  Let's see what happens over the next few weeks.  That being said, I wouldn't be sending more money to Nimbus West until there is some clarification of the status.

    Yeah I believe Matt is a sincere person definitely but maybe he’s in financial trouble. The lack of communication is definitely frustrating and a bit rude. Can’t do anything about it of course

  4. 10 minutes ago, Holy Ghost said:


    Pim, no way I'm condoning this behavior; I lost a good friend, from this BS, I am not glorifying this way of behaving; Chet was doomed ( he had no real friends but fellow junkies) A close friend of mine, lived this life  (he was a rocker) but he couldn't quite live the life style. He drank too hard, and punished his wife (with drinking only, she went on and remarried) It's real and it sucks. Chet blew everything. He had it all, but blew everything. Sad. 

    Thanks I understand now :) He was such a gifted person but such a sad person. My father in law was at the police force of Bureau Warmoesstraat in Amsterdam in the ‘80’s. He doesn’t know Chet as a musician but as a junky only. He told me Chet was a sweet guy but always in trouble because of the drugs. 

  5. 15 hours ago, AllenLowe said:

    so you are keeping a chart? I am not a big fan of Peterson, Adams or Henderson; not sure what I might have said about Shorter or Hubbard (except I prefer Shorter's work with Miles to the dates under his own name; I am less enamored of his composing than many others are, though I think he was one of the greatest tenor players ever). Hubbard is great, leaves me cold sometimes. Am I offended that you like players I don't? No, I'm not, so you shouldn't be offended by the opposite.

    As for repetition, there is a difference between an approach that uses these phrases as a technique, per Waldron (and Monk). It is just clear to me in a lot of theses performances that she is straining, going on habit. As I said, I suspect it has to do with substance abuse.

    But once again I point out the silliness of people feeling offended by my disliking musicians that they like (and I am not talking about Pim). Have I ever accused anyone here of having an ulterior motive for liking O.P. (whose playing really offends me)? No. But I have been attacked here more than once for having an opinion that differs from  the prevailing opinion. And it's tiresome.

    I welcome discussion and argument, but some of the prior implications here (in other, older threads) are out of line.

    Haha no of course I am not keeping a chart Allen. These were remarks in my memory and then all one has to do is use the search button to confirm what you seem to have remembered. I am not offended at all and everyone is entitled to his opinion. It's just that you (almost) always seem to talk from a negative basic attitude. And even when you say something nice it's usually followed by yet another negative remark (Shorter and Hubbard were examples of that). On musicians, writers etc. When I read another post like that I can't help to think: oh God here we go again.... There are also some users here that are more spreading all the joy they have from their music which is more enjoyable to read but also something I learn more from. I am not pleading for positive remarks only here, music should be debated thats part of the fun, but for me positive reinforcement is a lot more powerful than tearing everyone down. This is solely my opinion and of course you shouldn't feel offended by that as well. And of course people should never make it personal with you but I must say that some of your posts are quite harsh and could sound pretty disrespectful. That might of course evoke strong reactions.

    The point I was trying to make anyhow was that as a musician you might be more sensitive to the whole technical approach where I probably don't hear it the same way as you. For example I am not sure were speaking about the same version of Bird's Lover Man but I love that tune by him and don't hear anyhting wrong. Maybe Emily wasn't such a great player, maybe she was I couldn't say but apparently her music makes a lot of us happy so I really can't care if she uses the same lick twice a minute or play a b where it should have been a c minor. I generally don't like that approach to music. To me it's mostly that either you like it or you don't.


  6. IMG-9171.jpg

    I’ve noticed @david weiss presence here the last days so I take my chances again. David I own all the Cookers records but this one stands out as the very best. What a great record. I missed you guys in Rotterdam as Covid kicked in  and that really sucked. The concert got cancelled. I hope you guys consider another European tour. I’d drive to Belgium or the Ruhr area of Germany to see you guys play. All the best for the coming year!

  7. 1 hour ago, AllenLowe said:

    the one time I saw her play, right at the beginning of her career, she seemed fine, but I listen to her now on line and I hear lots of little problems, including falling back on some of the same phrases repeatedly. I can only conclude that there was some kind of impairment. What does one do? I don't know exactly, but I think it's wrong to praise people for the wrong reasons. Editing of performances can be ok, depending how it is done, if it is just one or two spots, but on some of her stuff I hear a lot of problems. Think of Bird on Lover Man where he is clearly beat to hell; it's ok to listen to it but one has to be aware.

    Maybe the fact that you're a musician does not help with these kind of things? Like you can't not hear those things? I'll probably don't hear it and enjoy it anyway. I don't think that's praising people for the wrong reasons: I just listen and there is stuff I like and stuff I don't like. I feel happy I don't have to make a technical analysis of it. Maybe those repeating licks are part of Emily's style I don't know? I am the big worshipper of probably the most repetitive jazz pianist in history: that's Mal Waldron of course. 

    In the past months you made not so nice remarks of people like Wayne Shorter, Freddie Hubbard, George Adams, Oscar Peterson, Joe Henderson, Donald Byrd etc.... All musicians I hold highly in regard. 

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