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Status Updates posted by jazzcorner

  1. Thanks for your comments.

    Re: Joni Mitchell

    Cooverart is fine and music really good. Have the Lp myself

    Do you think the 'topic' of this thread is wide enough to cover also nonabstract paintings? How would you see drawings of artists and instruments?

    Glad that Mike will try again to get some more order and threads going.

    Not many labels did invest in good coverart.


  2. Ho Gheorge

    thanks for your interesting comments on my Aurex vinyls. As you can look up them also a Discogs (vinyls / CD's) I bought many from "Jazz by PÜost" from Munich (Scheffner).

    Here is a list of my stock (missing only some vocal recordings - not my cup of tea):

    Blakey,Art   ...And The Star Jazz Messengers       1983  Eastworld          80270

    Brown,Les    ...and his Band of Renown plus Guests  1983/09       Eastworld          80267

    Brubeck,Dave        The Dave Brubeck Quartet Aurex '82          1982          Eastworld    80239

    Carter,Benny         Gentlemen of Swing        1980  Eastworld    80188

    Getz,Stan    Aurex live Special/Hubbard/Hannah a.o.      1981   Eastworld          80254

    Gillespie.Dizzy       Battle of Horns     1980  Eastworld    80189

    Goodman,Benny     King of Swing        1980  Eastworld    80187

    Goodman,Benny a.o Live Special - Aurex Jazz Festival '80         1980          Eastworld    80253

    Hampton,Lionel     Allstar Bigband with Woody Herman   1981/09          Eastworld    80207

    Herman,Woody      Live Special 1982/09       Eastworld    80255

    Herman,Woody      The Woody Herman Bigband     1982/09       Eastworld          80237

    Hubbard,Freddie   All Star Jam Session(Getz)      1981   Eastworld          80208

    Jones,Hank  The great Jazztrio & friends / Nancy Wilson        1981          Eastworld    80209

    Manne,Shelly         The Manne we love 1978  Toshiba (Eastworld)          98009 DD

    Marsh,Warne        Warne Marsh meets Gary Foster        1982  Eastworld          90024

    Rogers,Shorty       ... & the West Coast Giants       1983  Eastworld          80269

    Various        All Star Jam - Aurex Jazz Festival '82        1982  Eastworld          80238

    1. Gheorghe


      Thanks jazzcorner !

      Blakey sounds good to me. Les Brown I fear might not be my stuff.

      I heard that there was an Aurex All Star thing with Dexter Gordon also. At least I think I saw it in some Discography. 

    2. jazzcorner


      The Dexter Gordon is not known to me in this series. But possibly he  has participated in one of the AUREX Festivals 1980 to 1983.

      Will have a look on that.



    3. jazzcorner


      You are correct re Dexter Gordon:

      Here is the link (also in my stock)




  3. The Gillespie big bands sorted by rec. date

    Gillespie,Dizzy    "Groovin` High"(Bigbandjazz)    1944-45    Savoy    12020    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Vol II    1945-46    Archiv Of Folk & Jaz    272    tp    USA         eSt     
    Gillespie,Dizzy    ...& Johnny Richards Orchestra(strings)    1946    Savoy    12110    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    The greatest of...    1946-48    RCA    2398    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Bigband in Concert    1948    Gene Norman Presents    23    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Capitol Jazz Classics Vol 13 Strictly Bebop    1949/50    Capitol    M-11059    tp, ld    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    The Champ (Bigbandjazz)    1951    Savoy    12047    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Bigband cond. by Johnny Richards    1954    Verve(jap)    2671    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie, Dizzy    Manteca    1956    Verve    8208    ld, tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Dizzy in Greece    1956    Verve(jap)    2630    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    World Statesman    1956    Verve(jap)    2590    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie & Basdie    At Newport w. Joe Williams & M.Lou Williams    1957    Columbia (UK)    33CX 10111    tp,p,Voc    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    ..live at Newport    1957    Verve    8560    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    Dizzie Gillespie At Newport    1957    Verve (jap)    5061    tp/voc    USA              CD
    Gillespie,Dizzy    A Portrait of Duke Ellington    1960    Verve    817 107 2    tp    USA         St    CD
    Gillespie,Dizzy    GILLESPIANA    1960    Verve    559637-2    tp    USA         St    CD
    Gillespie,Dizzy    The new Continent    1962    Limelight    82022    tp    USA    M          
    Gillespie,Dizzy    live at The Village Vanguard    1968    Solid State    18034    tp    USA         St     
    Gillespie,Dizzy    The Dizzy Gillespie Reunion Band    1968    MPS/BASF    15207    tp    USA         St     

  4. Thanks for correcting the typo ---> Vinegar

  5. Hallo Meister,


    wie gehts?

    Sehe gerade  meine beiden  KC-FB CD's.

    Clap Hands... mit Karl Drewo und

    Swing Waltz Swing mit Carl Drevo


    Was ist die richtige Schreibweise?




    Hi Bill

    Some rare Kenton just FYI





    another  private compilation


  7. Ist das die japanische Concord Ausgabe?

    Meine einzige mit Kitamura





  8. I am a Tal Farlow fan and have worked with my friend Guy Littler-Jones (UK) on his Tal Farlow book which I have too.

    As you write: Tal Farlow-  You have Every note he played up to 1960, and then he lost it.

    What is the earliest  group he worked in? Are there any recordings made from this group?




  9. Hi

    Is Steve Hoffmans Forum offline?

    Cant log in at the moment




    Frage: Ist Steve Hoffman's Forum offline?

    Hoffentlich sonst alles OK ---> Immer Maske tragen


  11. Hi John,

    hope everything is fine inspite of the Corona diease.

    I'm cautious all the time because I will spend some more time with the collection.

    At this time I am revisiting a lost of West Coast material on V.S.O.P. and ATLAS label in my collection.

    Best wishes



    1. John Tapscott

      John Tapscott

      Hi Willie: Yes, we're fine thanks. My wife and I just retired a couple of months ago. We moved back to her home province of Nova Scotia where we had a new house built for our retirement. We are enjoying it very much. I finally unpacked and shelved all my recordings (mostly CD's - still have a few LP's and cassettes!) Starting to listen more now. 

      COVID-19 is quite rare in this part of Canada, though more common in the province of Ontario where we came from.  But we are being cautious, mask wearing, distancing etc. Public activities and travel are curtailed somewhat.  Our daughter works in a dental office and her main function right now is screening patients for COVID-19 symptoms.  

      I enjoy your postings. I have the Art Pepper box set on ATLAS. Also some have V.S.O.P. CD's.   

      All the best


    2. jazzcorner


      Hi John.

      thanks for calling back. Beside the nearly complete ATLAS series on vinyl (XYZ & his west coast friends)  I have that box too. Art Pepper is a great favorite of mine.

      I am retired for more than 12 years.  Lost my wife 7 years ago nafter beeing caretaker for 3 years. It was a late  MS and we could not do anything against it.  I fell in a deep hole after this but spent now the rest of my time with my unissed tapes and files  on CD-RW's and hard discs. Just found recently 3 Bill Evans concerts from Cologne , Stuttgart & Hilversum, which have appeart in the meantime  with parts on some dubious CDs.

      Covid-19 is also not spread wide in my area (small village on the Rhine river) but I do observe what is needed , masks, distance and no fiestas.

      My sons family lives in Switzerland and I visit them 5 or 6 times a year via Intercity (about 6 hours train) to get there for the weekends.

      My dear wife and me had bought out little house here in Neuwied in 1987 but now I am living alone here. That is the course of life. Otherwise  my health is what you can call 'normal" for someone over 80.

      I think I will make it some more years if the Lord allows. My dear mom died with 98. Thats the way I want to go.

      Best wishes and have a goor time in the new home and retirement. We see us in the forum.

      From Fred i have reveived the usual X-mas greetings every year.





  12. How does this BFT work?

    Have clicked on all buttons but zero happens



  13. Have continued the Bill Holman thread. If you wish you can transport  it again to the "Artists" section. Itas now under "Forums Discussion".


  14. Hi Nike,

    the Holman thread is continued

  15. Hi there,

    stubled over a thread in which you did mention the name of "Mr. Tanno from Early Records" I was a good customer  and enjoyed his lists really much. It was a shock for me when he gave up his shop and since the I never found such a good and reliable mail order service.


  16. Hi Larry,

    I'm a newbier and not familiar with all the techs (adding ad erasing pictures).

    in the thread about Bill Potts  and the "Porgy & Bess" versions I haver tried to add 4 pictures but something went wrong.

    I cannot erase the pix and see no hint how to do it. So can you please

    a) bring the pics inb a correct order or

    b) erase the pics.





  17. Thank Mr. E for the welcome. Have just submitted my Getz collection from my Paradox database  and listened to that  new Getz You Tube clip with that wide separated Stereo effect what ever there happened at the recording session. Anyway I have it on my wantlist. Cant get enough Getz.

    See you


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