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Herbie time again...

first, here is the link where you can find our first broadcast. Thanks for your interest. It was, as a whole (and being our first time live on air) quite successful, I'd say. I'm by the way not the guy announcing Watermelon Man (which we had played already) instead of Maiden Voyage... ;)

Click the loudspeaker-symbol to access the programme.


Then, here comes part two: next sunday, we'll present the Sextet. The albums from which we'll include music are:

- The Prisoner (Blue Note, 1969. Johnny Coles, Garnett Brown, Joe Henderson, Buster Williams, Al Heath, woodwinds)

- Fat Albert Rotunda (Warner, 1969. same, funk band on two tracks)

- Mwandishi (Warner, 1970. Eddie Henderson, Julian Priester, Bennie Maupin, Buster Williams, Billy Hart; guitar & perc. added)

- Crossings (Warner, 1971. same, voices, perc and synths added)

- Sextant (Columbia, 1972. same, synths & perc added)

In my opinion, these are all killer albums. Maybe The Prisoner is the one I like most - the sound of that band is such a beautiful one, Coles, Brown and Hernderson play one great solo after the other...

Sextant, then, to me, seems the most forward-looking album of these, incredible textures and sounds!

What are your opinions? Let's not stick to "what should I play in my show" only - rather I'd like to start a general discussion of these albums.

Is there any comparable music around, by the way?


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