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About ninified

  • Birthday 11/01/1987

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  1. hey, this may be a little out forum but just wanted to get some general idea. What can jazz express about your personal identity? I am writing a short paper on it and just wanted to hear your thoughts...
  2. wow, u attended her performance!!! she's really amazing and i especailly like her playing Latin stuff. she has a few albums: Regina Carter, Motor City Moments, Something For Grace, Rhythms of the Heart, Freefall (with Kenny Barron)....umm, i think those are the ones that i;ve heard of.
  3. actually, has anyone heard of Regina Carter?
  4. i've listened to stuff smith, billy bang, grappelli, venuti, ponty, and mark o'connors. thanks for the info, everyone! cheers
  5. hey thanks for the tip!
  6. hey anyone out there has got any food recommendations for jazz strings material?
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