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Posts posted by worldmusic

  1. There have been a few gems over the years that I've found at garage sales or second hand stores. There is one that stands out: The Country & Western Sounds of Jazz Pianos Steve Kuhn & Toshiko Akiyoshi. The other players on this are Dave Izenson and John Neves - bass, Bary Galbraith - guitar, and Pete Laroca - drums. The cover is a little worn at the cornes, but the lp is a strong vg. It's an original 1963 mono recording.

  2. One of my favorite labels is ECM founded by Manfred Eicher. The reason for this is one of my favorite musicians is Keith Jarrett. Others that I have on this label are Chick Corea and Gary Burton. I'm looking at the ecm website and their is an endless list of folks on this label.

  3. If you haven't listened to WKCR yet, go to the website: www.wkcr.org. I've been listening for many years, and I've learned so much about music. Besides the current broadcast, it has stuff like playlists, archives, and soundscape.

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