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Posts posted by wigwise

  1. Does anyone know the last LP to be pressed with the orange with black border, before moving over to the black with red border? The reason I ask is because I've never seen orange/black copies of :

    9154 (Shepp, Archie) The Magic Of Ju-Ju

    9156 (Coltrane, Alice) Monastic Trio

    9160 (Jones, Elvin & Richard Davis) Heavy Sounds

    9161 (Coltrane, John) Selflessness

    9162 (Shepp, Archie) Three For A Quarter, One For A Dime

    But yet:

    9163 (Scott, Tom) Honeysuckle Breeze, The

    9164 (Plummer, Bill) Cosmic Brotherhood

    Also, LP's 9155, 9156-59 have orange/black labels.

    I'm guessing some LP's where assigned a number and released later?

  2. In the late 90's I attended a screening of Dumont's first film "La vie de Jesus" at the Director Guild in LA and was completely blown away by his graphic depiction of life in his home town of Bailleul, France. He was in attendance and took questions after the screening, which shed a lot of light on his cinematic vision. I found it fascinating that he prefers to use non-professional actors, who seem to take his direction well. I walked away that night a fan of this filmmaker. To date, I’ve seen his complete body of work.

    Recently, I had a chance to screen his latest film titled "Flandres", which thematically, was very much in the same vain as his earlier work. Overall, I enjoyed the film but will need to see it again to get a complete understanding. Did anyone else see it?

    I've found that people either love or hate him. What do you think (for those who are familiar)?

  3. on that site:

    Reacting to the heckling and whistling, Hubbard told the audience: "FUCK YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS! FUCK YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS! ("Go home!") Well okay, I'll go home. If you don't like me KISS MY ASS! That's right, cuz you jive, you JIVE, YOU JIVE! You white motherFUCKERS! YOU THE ONES WHO STARTED THIS SHIT! Lemme show you - you the ones - FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU, you white motherFUCKERS! {starts crying} If you don't like me kiss MY BLACK ASS! YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! {drums start} Fuck it, I won't do it!"


    freddie hubbard went crazy!

    Yes, Freddie was pretty upset, the crowd was taunting him quite a bit. I've heard the recording (Graz, Austria in 1966), he was playing with Sonny Rollins and Max Roach.

  4. P.S. Margaret Davis reports the Detroit performance was attended by a very good listening audience, an art for art's sake crowd who came for the music, and that, thankfully, they had no trouble with this snow as they drove into Chicago.

    I was there last night and stayed for the first set (which lasted about an hour). The music was great. Henry was in good form, playing his violin during various improvised sections, but mostly stuck to his bass. Roy was on fire, playing four different instruments (trumpet, flugel horn, pocket trumpet and flute), as was Chad, who laid down a continuously energetic beat throughout the set. The Bohemian National House is located in this 90- year-old building that looked abandoned from the exterior, situated in this interesting neighborhood a couple of blocks form I-96.

    All things considered, it was a good time. I definitely enjoyed the music and the atmosphere. If I had to guess. I would say there were somewhere between 30-50 people in attendance. I'm glad to hear that they made it to Chicago without incident.

  5. Great film. I'm so glad I was finally able to see what I've been reading about. The footage of "Newport in Europe" is fantastic, as is the commentary by Sunny Murray. Well done Kasper.

    BTW- AA's father looks great, I wonder what year he was born?

  6. Jim, I feel your pain. My 2.5 year old pushes my buttons everyday. He throws things, hits, screams and breaks all kids of stuff. When I tell him not to do something, he looks me in the eye, say’s “NO” and does the opposite. He has whacked me in the face and knocked my glasses to the floor about 4 times in the last month. When he's nice and loving, he's the sweetest little boy in the world. Oh, how I cherish these moments.

    My wife and I have tried many methods to discipline him and still have yet to find one that works more then once. He too is very clever, speaking three languages and knowing how to pick locks, open windows, doors, cabinets, the fridge, how to work my stereo system, DVD player, TV and getting into things we thought were secure.

    My in-laws from Spain have been staying with us for the last two weeks and it has become apparent that he wants them to go. He kicks, taunts and talks back to them in Spanish (he normally speaks French and English with my wife and I). Thankfully they're patient people who are unaffected by his behavior. They will be here for another two weeks, so it should be interesting to see what happens.

  7. I too was at the show, sitting in the Mezzanine. I also enjoyed it and agree that Roy Haynes (without a doubt) was the star of the show. The man is incredible. They played a very nice 20-minute (or so) film at the beginning of the second set, which briefly talked about John's musical and personal life. All in all, a perfect evening.

    If I recall correctly, Michelle is John's stepdaughter, I think Alice had a child or two before John.

  8. The Jazz Showcase, believed to be the country's second-oldest continuously

    running jazz club after the Village Vanguard in New York, in earlier

    incarnations presented touring artists on North Rush Street, North Lincoln

    Avenue, in the Loop and on the South Side.

    I thought Baker's in Detroit held claim to the title of "oldest continually running Jazz club"...

  9. I feel your pain Jim. Back in the mid-nineties I was living and attending college in Olympia, WA. During the Christmas holiday I headed back east to visit my folks in Metro Detroit. On my return back to Olympia, which took 11 hours (cheapest flight I could afford), I came home to discover my apartment completely ransacked and nearly everything I own GONE! I'm talking LP's, CD's, television, stereo receiver, turntable, 35mm SLR, guitar, amp...the list goes on. The worst thing was that I had no renters insurance and an inept police department working on the investigation. My world was destroyed. I felt violated in the worst way. Everything I had worked so long and hard to acquire was gone. I had to start from scratch. I later found out (the landlord tipped me off) that the purp was a scumbag junky who lived a couple of doors down. I told the police about this guy and they did nothing.

    The only bright note in this story is that for some reason the mofo's who robbed me didn't touch my Jazz CD/LP collection. At the time, I had a modest assortment of stuff that they decided they were interested in. It was strange to find the place almost empty with only my Jazz collection strewn across the floor.

    Needless to say, this is still an emotional thing for me. I’m still very bitter. In the past I’ve had a bike stolen, and my car window smashed (to steal my radio) but nothing compares to this.

    I hope you find the pile of shit that broke into your car.

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