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Posts posted by Tee

  1. Hi

    Finally I'm putting out a trio album. After years and years of producing and arranging I finally decided to go through with it. An album with jazz treatments of known Icelandic songs (mostly known in Iceland but still some of international fame). Here's a song by Jonsi (of Sigur Ros): Animal Arithmetic.


  2. someone was pointing out she looks quite reserved how shes singing in the clip. (you know that famous vid of Girl from imp) and i said well its probably cause she was scared a little of getz, who knows what he put her through.

    so i wanted to post about it since i dont really know....did these two have a good working relationship, or was it very strenous, like i suspected, i mean she does seem, like a reserved foreign girl, and stan was completly flying out of control off the handle and stuff. did the record company pair them up? is her husband or father the other gilberto. joao. is that the connection. anyways cybill sheppard said in her bio that stan was out of control rude to her

    There is a great interview over at Jazzwax with Phil Ramone which was the engineer on that date. Phil Ramone says:

    On the days we recorded, Astrud came to the date with her then husband, guitarist Joao Gilberto. Astrud was in the control room when Norm came in with the English lyrics to Ipanema. Creed said he wanted to get the song done right away and looked around the room. Astrud volunteered, saying she could sing in English. Creed said, “Great.” Astrud wasn’t a professional singer, but she was the only victim sitting there that night [laughs].

    Here's the link: http://www.jazzwax.com/2010/11/interview-phil-ramone-part-3.html


  3. At the time of the Columbia album, I don't think that Bill Evans had embraced the polyester Leisure Suit or beard as viable media for artistic expression. That is one of the reasons this album leaves me cold.

    Many drug addicts grow beards to hide the facial ulcerations from infections and lack of fatty tissue in their cheeks. Evans had a beard to his dying last days.

    Thanks. Now explain the leisure suits. ;)

    I will venture and say that the leisure suits and other over-sized garments were also a way for him to cover the dilapidated state of his body. Like most chronic addicts he was most probably remarkably scrawny. The large garments may also have allowed him to carry concealed syringes and whatever other paraphernalia.

    It may not be an indication of anything, but I have never seen a BE photo in a t-shirt.

    I'm taking a wild guess that the next post will be that photo...

    ..wait for it....

    And here it is...not strictly a t-shirt..but almost!

    Great to see such heated discussions about Bill Evans. I've never found his time that horrible..nor his sense for ballads. But I liked him better not playing the Rhodes, there's so many more colors in the acoustic piano for him to paint the pictures.


  4. At the time of the Columbia album, I don't think that Bill Evans had embraced the polyester Leisure Suit or beard as viable media for artistic expression. That is one of the reasons this album leaves me cold.

    Many drug addicts grow beards to hide the facial ulcerations from infections and lack of fatty tissue in their cheeks. Evans had a beard to his dying last days.

    Thanks. Now explain the leisure suits. ;)

    I will venture and say that the leisure suits and other over-sized garments were also a way for him to cover the dilapidated state of his body. Like most chronic addicts he was most probably remarkably scrawny. The large garments may also have allowed him to carry concealed syringes and whatever other paraphernalia.

    It may not be an indication of anything, but I have never seen a BE photo in a t-shirt.

    I'm taking a wild guess that the next post will be that photo...

    ..wait for it....

  5. I just took a hint from this thread and watched the BBC's first Aurolio Zen episode, Vendetta. Having lived in Sicily for a brief period in 2006-2007 I have to admit, I am a terrible Italy snob and love everything Italian (except, sadly, the most of their pop music) so that was all good fun but what I really liked was the 60's-ish music by Adrian Johnston. It even had some Hammond in it!

    Speaking of which, Sicilians have their own detective stories; Inspector Montalbano by Andrea Camilleri. I have only seen some TV movies about him and they are very enjoyable..funny, clever and sympathetic. I only presume that the books are even better..That's usually the case, as we know.

    Now, regarding Arnaldur Indriðason, I have to say I like what he's trying to do but I just feel like Mankell was there first with his social realistic detective stories about Wallander. The weather's usually the main focus. But it's obvious that a lot of people are enjoying Arnaldur's books so kudos to him!


  6. Hi.

    Before you wrap up the thread I'd like to mention the Russian detective Erast Fandorin by Boris Akunin. Great stories! Written in various styles almost like an exercise in writings by the author. Take place around 1900.

    I'm familiar with many of the books/authors that have been recommended here and others I am excited to check out. I love the Mankell stories and Dibdin's Zen. I'm not so fond of my fellow Icelander Arnaldur Indriðason but have nevertheless read his books.

    It's funny how I signed up for jazz discussion (Hammond, mostly), I have learned quite alot by lurking - but then my first post is about something completely different!


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