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Posts posted by mmilovan

  1. It is better to search for universal player with direct drive that have enough power for easy playing of heavy 78's.

    Technics 1210 MK4 was really fine turntable for that purpose.

    Avoid Chinese clones od 1210!

    Use tonearm on that you can change shells with various cartridges and needle tips (pre-mounted).

    Nowadays Thonrens turntables are not coming from well-known Swiss company, but they are OEM types Czech made (it is the same production line for Pro-ject brand), only old Thorens name added.

  2. Sir Charles Thompson!!!

    he´s still alive?

    To bad I missed him many years ago when he played at Jazzland in Viena. Anyway, I don´t know much more about him that the tune "The Street Beat", and heard the original version much later. First I knew it only from the 1950 date Bird with Bud and Fats......

    Right! He is living in Japan, and even recorded few albums recently, also this year ("Jazz Legend" on Marshmallow Records).

    And, you guess, that elegant style Lester gave him nickname after is still there!

  3. While I listened to some other titles on YT I came across this clip:

    It is written down below that recorded band consists of following members:

    New York, October 16, 1941. Chester Boone, trumpet & vocal; Buster Smith, clarinet; George Johnson, alto sax; Chauncey Graham, tenor sax; Lloyd Phillips, piano; Vernon King, string bass; Shadrack Anderson, drums

    So, if it is "that" man who thought Charlie Parker, is there any other recorded sides made by this particular group, and with recorded solos on clarinet?

    It would be such a thrill to hear them.

  4. While searching for other 78rpm records oriented pages I found this one:


    and was amazed by quality jazz from Hungary.

    So let me share this with you some records from above mentioned site (IMHO):

    Terrific tenor and muted trumpet solo - no it is not Buck Clayton, but unknown Hungarian musician:


    Jimmy Dorsey's hits, terrific alto sax here:


    Something similar to Django/Grappelli style:


    Jazz interpretation of Ferenc Liszt:



    There is one great researcher in jazz field in Hungary, his name is Simon

    Géza Gábor.

    Some of his publications, here:


  5. Those Lunceford clips sound great. They managed to get some of the World transcriptions too. I guess the reason they couldn't access the unissued World transcriptions nor metal parts for most of the Decca material is the Universal fire some years ago. I'm still upset about that one.

    Me too, but look at this article:


    Probably somehow they survived, not melted in that fire...

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