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Ross Hahn

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Posts posted by Ross Hahn

  1. Thanks Shrdlu, that's one mystery solved. I was wondering why the opening was scratchy but not the rest of it. I guess I'm glad they didn't noise-reduce the life out of it either. I have another question for you (or anyone). There's a 10.45 version of Epistrophy on Monk's Music which is in the box but there's a 3.07 version of Epistrophy on Monk/Coltrane that isn't on the box (unless I've missed it!) but there is a 1.46 "fragment" in the box. So, is the Monk/Coltrane version pieced together from the two in the box or is it missing from the box?

    I agree, the Evans/Riverside sounds more than fine.

    Still wondering about all the pseudo-stereo on the Tatum Group box. Maybe the original mono tapes were lost(?).

  2. I recently received most of these (Coltrane, both Tatums, both Evans, Monk and Rollins). Some had booklets, some didn't but I'm not complaining at the price. I wonder if anyone can help me with a couple of questions about the mastering. It's been said that the mastering is the same as the original US releases but I wonder if that's true. On the Art Tatum group masterpieces box some of the sessions are in fake stereo (the first session for example, try track 7 "S'Wonderful" which seems heavily balanced to the left) while others are in nice mono as they should be. Has anyone else noticed this, especially anyone with the US release? Also, the beginning of "Ba-lue Bolivar Ba-lues-are" on disc 2 of the Monk/Riverside box sounds like it's dubbed from an LP with very obvious crackles. Could it be a tape artifact? This one came without a booklet so I don't know if it mentions anything. Does this exist on other copies of the box or the individual CD?

    Thanks a bunch.

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