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Posts posted by stefan_m

  1. I had a fun one come through myspace the other day. It turned off automatic updates and wouldn't let me turn it back on, deleted my previous system restore settings, and wedged itself into both IE and Firefox. It would cause pop-ups for porn, system cleaning software, warez sites, etc. Really annoying and it took me a couple of hours to get rid of it.

    Jim, I got exactly the same thing on my computer... What did you do to fix it, other than re-installing the OS? I tried the explorer patch, with not much success, the automatic updates stay off, no matter what, so it seems to me that I will have to go back to the little chinese shop were I got the computer from and ask them to wipe the disk clean and re-install everything...


  2. Wow, 11 replies - that's pretty impressive... Of course, most of them having nothing to do with my question...

    All kidding aside, thanks Rob (?) and Bill (and Chuck) for your advice. It was a good show, a bit short, which was understandable - it was the 7pm set. Was it worth the 5.5-6 hours drive to and from? That's arguable... Still a good show and a great club, The Triple Door. Definitely worth visiting (try the $1.95 eggplant dish - unbelievable!).


  3. I am going to see the M. Wasilewski Trio this Saturday at the Triple Door in Seattle. Can anyone give me some info/tips/recommendations about this place: parking, dress code (what is 'bussines casual'? :)), stuff like this?

    Here in Vancouver, BC a T-shirt and jeans are bussines enough to go anywhere, from my (limited) experience.



  4. Here is some info about the Centre:


    I saw Brad Mehldau Trio there 2 days ago, and while there where some people walking out at the end of the show, the rest of us were awarded two encores in exchange of the standing ovations that went on for minutes.

    It was a 'short' set, only six songs, but including the encores, the show was about 90 minutes long. My first time seeing Mehldau, it was quite interesting and slightly annoying for exactly the some reason (deconstructivism), but a satisfying experience overall. My wife enjoyed it too (especially the second encore - Exit Music by Radiohead); my 13 years old son not so much...


  5. Jazz listeners in most cities would be in heaven if their city presented a music festival with this lineup.

    Kansas City, for instance.

    Or Dallas.

    Or Vancouver... I think there are about three times more acts I'd like to see in Montreal than here in Vancouver. And it's not only this year. It's all relative, of course, but I think you have a good line-up :)


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