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Posts posted by Aurorawolf

  1. I can't believe the ignorance shown in these posts! Don't knock something you don't know anything about. You people call yourselves musicians or jazz aficionados? I was a straight jazz fan for many years until I became acquainted with Al Di Meola's music. Now I seldom listen to anything else. I will admit it took me a little while to understand what jazz-rock-fusion is, but now I'm totally hooked. I suggest you spend some time really listening to RTF and also some of Al's recordings.

    BTW, last year's RTF tour went over big, not only in this country, but all over Europe. If some of you hadn't had your heads buried in the sand, you wouldn't have missed the great reviews. Jazz truly is intellectual music. But fusion goes beyond intellectual into the realm of spirituality. ADM has come a long way since the 1970s RTF. I suggest instead of knocking his music, you open your minds and educate yourselves. Until any of you can play this well, I think you should hang up your instruments. Not only is he a master guitarist, but also an accomplished composer. :cool:

    Sorry for the rant, but I can't let anyone get by with dissing one of the most talented and technically-proficient musicians in the world. (And it isn't just me who believes that.)

    Return to Forever Returns (DVD coming soon)

    (Al Di Meola and Jaco Pastorius)

    He and Carmen (Al Di Meola & Hungarian flutist, Eszter Horgas)

    Al Di and Roman Miroshnichenko

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