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Posts posted by deadcoldfish

  1. You're probably right. It just sucks because I worked so hard on this kitchen (did almost everything myself, killed myself over it) and there's this big ugly mark on the beautiful fridge now. Guess I'll just cover it up with Zora's REAL artwork (the paper kind).

    Oh, she's also started pooping on the floor for some reason. We're trying to potty train her and we're thinking she's confused... but then again, the kid is a damn genius and maybe she's doing this on purpose. She can already spell her own name, several other words, count to 20, do simple arithmetic, knows all her colors and letters, etc. I mean, she's damn smart.

    Maybe she's bored?


    As for the pooping on the floor, she's telling you she's not ready for the potty.

  2. There is no rhymn or reason to what Concord is doing. I've received my second order today, with my third on the truck but my first order, the Coltrane box, I have yet to hear anything on. What can you do? If you call the answer will be: "It's at the where-house."

    My guess is that the Coltrane box--like the Evans box--is history. :(

    Finally got my Fedex tracking email today for my Coltrane box order on 7/17/2006. My guess for the random sequence of shipments is that the warehouse peeps don't do them in the date sequence, but in some other preference order that fits their process, or lack there of.

  3. Order just placed for Coltrane box. Only $4 shipping via Fed Ex ground.

    I added my order for the Coltrane box yesterday, but let's see if we get them. No shipping confirmation yet, or on my first order from last week. Grrr ... :angry: well not angry, but anxious.

    And then later I can complain about how much I haven't listened to yet !

  4. If their business plan is to assume RVG will be around for another 20 years to remaster these puppies, we're in deep doo-doo.


    Well, he's had an assistant, Maureen Sickler?, around for about twenty years. I should think she could take over with that amount of experience, couldn't she?


    Mmm, does that mean it will be the MS series, or will the "ghost" concept extend from bands to mastering engineers ? :P

  5. Thanks for the advice. At least the tracker has stopped the upward climb in the "remaining" message, now it just gives a big ? :g

    My problem is that our electric bill has skyrocketed lately (summer in Florida, what can you expect?) and I have a hard time justifying the PC being on 24/7 for some ridiculous amount of time.

    extension cord to the neighbors will fix that. :D

  6. Thanks Swinger. I'd forgotten about the Yahoo group. Hopefully some folks will jump back in.


    Also, be patient ... since it's only one seed it may take awhile, and sometimes people only seed during certain times of the day.

    And additional people may have the torrent available, but they aren't currently seeding until someone connects.

    Once again, be patient, I've had several "old" torrents complete, but they took 3 - 7 days.

  7. Question:

    I ordered the 3CD 2004 live tour but by mistake they sent me the 2CD 2005 live tour (the one with all the Trane tunes). Now this is a good one too, but how do they compare? I could just keep this one (although the other was a better value because of the 3rd disc) or I can return it and re-order the other one. If they're both really burnin' I'll go ahead and spring for both.

    Well? :ph34r:

    I sprang for both, and was not disappointed. I think that both are really great, re: the original tunes that are on the sets, and the Ornette and Trane band arrangements are too shabby. I thought the playing throughout was first rate.

  8. Not until there's some notice on the website stating their current status. Rick had posted in the past on the Hoffman board and so far there's been no post from him addressing the "rumour" of Red Trumpet's problems.

    One individual did have a VPI turntable on special order through RT for many weeks, called them and only got a message and then call VPI, only to be told that they were not shipping any product to RT.

    So, IMHO, I'd say RT is gone, unless they respond.

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