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Lazaro Vega

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Status Updates posted by Lazaro Vega

  1. Michigan meets Chicago: Tickets on sale now for the CJO's May 30, 2015 tributes to Mingus and Maynard. Charles Mingus' "Black Saint and the Sinner Lady" and the early 1960's works of Maynard Ferguson will be highlighted. Guest artists are bassist Rodney Whitaker and trumpeter Walter White. Do not miss this show! Enter code cjofriend at ticketing for a special 10% discount. http://cjomingusmaynard.brownpapertickets.com/

  2. Free market? From Ted Gioia: "What a strange situation! The music industry is built on the creativity of artists, but distributors (who don't even ship physical product anymore, just operate software) now capture the bulk of the economic value."

  3. You might take him up on his free download offer. Strong album: FRANKLIN KIERMYER : new songs - number ten ... one of a series of short videos as I work on new songs. More music, videos and more at http://kiermyer.com You can also download my latest album for free: FURTHER with Azar Lawrence, Benito Gonzalez + Juini Booth at http://further.kiermyer.com

  4. Creative music getting a nod.

  5. Heard many a jazz concert at the Gould's, including Diana.

  6. Count Basie streaming now over www.bluelake.org/radio. jazz from blue lake on now until 3 a.m.

  7. Hey now: Most of today's smartphones have FM radios inside of them — but the FM chip is not activated on two-thirds of devices. That's because the makers can choose to have the FM capability switched off. The mobile industry, which profits off selling data to consumers, says there's no demand for radio because users prefer streaming audio. Full disclosure: NPR, along with the National Association of Broadcasters, has been part of a lobbying effort to require this free radio feature to b...

  8. "...like the bubbles..."

  9. "Soul Station" broken down.

  10. Jazz From Blue Lake on the air now 'til Piano Jazz @10. For more, here's last night's broadcast featuring Toshiko Akioshi and Lew Tabakin, For the live stream, see www.bluelake.org/radio and click "Listen."

  11. April 2, 2015 The Jazz Datebook: Regular Hits: Mondays from 6 to 10 p.m., Fridays 7 – 11 p.m. and Saturdays 6-10 p.m. The What Not Inn features a revolving cast of local musicians each weekend and Mondays hosts a jam session open to musicians and vocalists. See the full schedule here: www.whatnotinn.com. The What Not Inn is located at M89 and the Blue Star Highway, 2405 68th Street, Fennville, MI. (269) 543-3341. Mondays from 8 to 11 p.m. pianist/vocalist John Shea heats up downto...

  12. Jazz From Blue Lake featured Russ Gershon's The Either/Orchestra last night during the first part of each hour, as we get ready for the band's long standing, and sometimes sitting, baritone saxophonist Charlie Kohlhase to play Grand Rapids Sunday afternoon at 3 with his Chicago Explorers Club. Charlie and the band play Chicago's Green Mill this weekend, then The LaFontsee Galleries / Underground Studio on Sunday. Here's a link to last night's broadcast (the link is only active today): http://...

  13. This Sunday @ 3 in Grand Rapids: Charlie Kohlhase's Explorers Club at LaFontsee Galleries / Underground Studio. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for more (thanks Tommy Allen): http://www.rapidgrowthmedia.com/gsync/?utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=&utm_content=%7bEmail_Address%7d&utm_campaign=Featuring+community+connectors%2c+from+trails+to+music+to+talent

  14. From Tyshawn Sorey (with Chuck Nessa): "Wow. So in doing some preparation for my upcoming qualifying exam on a seminal work for percussion by Roscoe Mitchell, "The Maze", I came across a YouTube video of this concert of L-R-G, a composition also from 1978. Of course, the original 1978 Nessa recording of both of these works is absolutely amazing...but this video here is a trip! My mind is completely blown, and I've become more curious as to how this piece works... All three of these master mus...

  15. Bill Frisell's music was featured in parts of Jazz From Blue Lake last night, and we took it "Out on Blue Lake" two hours in with British saxophonist Evan Parker among others. Here's an on-demand link to the broadcast which is active only today:

  16. Blue Lake Public Radio features the music of guitarist Bill Frisell tonight after 10 p.m. From Ted Panken: "Happy birthday, Bill Frisell, 64 today. I'm reposting an entry on the blog from a year ago of a Downbeat feature that I wrote about Bill in 2008, and an uncut Blindfold Test from about 15 years ago."

  17. Dick LaPalm worked with Nat King Cole for years, behind the scenes, not on the bandstand. And he'd send out the following letter to jazz radio programmers annually: Dear Radio Royalty, This coming March 17, NAT KING COLE turns 98. Using the present tense is absolutely fitting. Today, at every hour, radio stations around the world continue to broadcast his timeless music. He is, indeed, still very much with us. He still stands out from the rest, and he stands alone. Comparing anyone to...

  18. From Mark Stryker: Wow! Steve Lampert just hipped me to an amazing find: Leonard Feather's archives at the University of Idaho includes 50 tapes raw tapes of his blindfold tests/interviews with, um, Miles Davis ('58), Cannonball & Nat Adderley, Art Farmer, Art Blakey, Dizzy, Duke, dozens more. I dipped into the Miles tape, the Adderleys and a couple others. Incredible. Caveat emptor: I have no idea what all is in here yet, and some things maybe mislabeled. I tried one labeled Samuel Hayakawa...

  19. Russ Johnson in Grand Rapids this Sunday, 3/22. See www.adventuremusic.org

  20. Here's a link to last night's Jazz From Blue Lake featuring trumpeter Malachi Thompson with a premier Chicago Rhythm Section on several recordings, bassist Harrison Bankhead and drummer Avreayal Ra, who you'll hear in Grand Rapids on May 3rd at LaFontsee Galleries / Underground Studio. Dee Alexander sings on several recordings featured last night, too. And of course we heard from Roy Haynes.

  21. Jazz From Blue Lake on now to 10 this morning with a special shout out to Cathy Holbrook of St. Cecilia Music Center for a wonderful jazz concert series. We'll hear the musicians who appeared there, and look forward to Miguel Zenon today at WMU, and Charlie Kohlhase next Sunday. Www.bluelake.org/radio

  22. James Falzone returns to Grand Rapids on March 22nd with Charlie Kohlhase's Chicago Explorers Club. Have you read James' bio? http://allosmusica.org/press/#/bios/

  23. Last night Jazz From Blue Lake featured the music of Mike Clark in the first part of each hour, and heard music by Russ Johnson, Charlie Kohlhase, and James Falzone's Renga Ensemble in advance of The Chicago Explorer's Club concert a week from Sunday at LaFontsee Galleries / Underground Studio. See www.adventuremusic.org for tickets to that one. Here's the link to last evening's broadcast:

  24. The music of Bix Beiderbecke was featured last night on Jazz From Blue Lake, with a focus on his small group recordings with Frank Trumbauer during the first part of each hour. We'll also hear from Randy Sandke, Catherine Russell, Freddie Hubbard and Rene Marie. Enjoy the 5 hour program on demand today only:

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