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Posts posted by JETman

  1. I've had difficulty determining why this is going to be a particularly horrendous storm. In NYC it looks like it will pound us with ridiculous amounts of rain and some intense, though most likely sub-hurricane force winds. I Obviously people who are in areas vulnerable to flooding are in much bigger danger (lots of leaves clogging gutters given the time of year). Power could get knocked out in lots of places.

    My perspective as an economic forecaster... as human beings we tend to focus on the mean/median scenario, and that's what forecasters usually emphasize. Unfortunately, we have a "nonlinear loss function" here - the extra damage if things turn out (a lot) worse than expected will be (many) orders of magnitude worse than if they turn out in line with the most likely scenario. So it makes a lot of sense to warn people about bad, or REALLY bad, scenarios, even if relatively unlikely.

    NYC is the main reason.

    Yeah, that's it :crazy:

    Think about this -- w/o NYC, you'd likely be listening to Merle Haggard today.

  2. I'm gonna say - that there ways OUT for jazz; and one of them is using historic materials in ways which are fresh and new - which itself is not a new idea - except almost no one is really doing this in an interesting way - except me. the keys are:

    1) the compositions - enough crap; learn all of American song and then re-do it

    2) the harmony - learn your triads; the modes have become boring; study all the stuff that was written 1920-1930; and then everything else

    3) the solos - keep 'em short, dammit

    this is not THE ONLY way; but it is one way.

    the proof of all this will be out in January 2013.

    Plannin' on makin' an appearance on the charts, do ya?

  3. No more Selects ... is that definitive? I've heard about it, but never saw (or forgot if I did) any final statement or announcement, I think.

    That is definitive, unless Scott was lying to me. No more Selects or Singles. Neither were selling well enough to continue.

    Yep, that's what Scott also told me.

    Thanks for the seal of approval <_<

    You never stop, do you... Sheesh man, relax, it wasn't intended the way you interpreted it; I only posted what Scott told me, that's all.

    Why? I posted the same thing months ago.

    I'm afraid it's you who never stops. Look at your post count.

  4. Looks like Ozzie Guilen & Bobby Valentine have something in common - one year's employment when it was supposed to be more than that: http://www.lonestarball.com/2012/10/23/3544624/miami-marlins-fire-ozzie-guillen

    That, and a total lack of surprise that it happened...

    TBH, the Ozzie Guilen firing doesn't surprise me. After he made that idiot Castro comment, I knew his days were numbered.

    I've always thought his last name was Guillen :)

    Don't be too proud of yourself; these days it's not too difficult to make 2 Americans appear idiotic. Doesn't give me much hope for two weeks hence.

  5. Sold out already. According to an email I got yesterday, more should be coming in November.

    I guess I can stop worrying about it for now. :shrug[1]::tophat::ph34r:

    There were 21 left this morning. After Eric posted the pics, that number steadily declined to 0 pdq. I'm sure all 21 were sold to Org board members. We're nothing if not predictable!

  6. No more Selects ... is that definitive? I've heard about it, but never saw (or forgot if I did) any final statement or announcement, I think.

    That is definitive, unless Scott was lying to me. No more Selects or Singles. Neither were selling well enough to continue.

    Yep, that's what Scott also told me.

    Thanks for the seal of approval <_<

  7. I avoid those Proper boxes because they always seem to miss some tracks ... I hate that. I got their Kenny Clarke box and had to hold on to myself to not throw it into a corner .... must be hard to take a look into some discographies. But some OJCs were missing additional material, too. Oh well ....

    Pujol at least knows the music and completes sessions when he knows about the missing tracks, that's what I really appreciate.

    Whoever gets the Bags/Lucky twofer first, please report - I won't be able to place an order with Fresh Sound before late November. My local retailer can get them, but only at substantially higher prices than the barcelona outlet, even when considering postage fees.

    will stick with all the individual CD's

    Yes, all of these albums have been on cd.

    Of course, and I expect the Fresh Sound box to be copied from the Denons, but the scattered release pattern of the Savoys with the Lucky tracks spread over four albums is a drag!

    Ballads and Blues is an Atlantic album. I have a Japanese mini lp version.

  8. Hey, I was in no way suggesting anyone lying here :)

    I am aware of the end of the Singles, but wasn't aware that the Selects were definitely ended, too.

    Now you're aware. As I am waiting for the end of the cd era, I wouldn't be entirely unhappy if Mosaic were the last label standing.

  9. Just received this in the mail yesterday. Very well done - it does have similarities with the Miles sets, but 1) pages are easier to turn and b) the font is large enough to actually read - largest I have ever seen on a box set (see below) :)

    I have not listened to the music yet, but am very pleased with the presentation.

    Thanks for the pics! What did they charge you for shipping?

  10. Can anyone here honestly state that they've made any purchase based on the inclusion of such a statement made/placed on a cd/album cover?

    Yes - if I had REASONABLE grounds for the assumption that this statement was honest and true and if it was music (style, artist, etc.) where I'd go after almost anything that would come my way. Case in point: Those Uptown CDs. ;)

    No idea if the statement on that Charlie Parker disc would have aroused my suspicion or not. There are so many Bird airshots, live recordings, etc. out there and who knows if I'd have had the definitive discography on hand to check (and then, often places and dates are identified incorrectly in there ...).

    Well I suppose that for those who have been jazz fans for decades, this might be true. For those of us who have been listening to/collecting jazz for significantly fewer years, we just buy up everything in sight and ignore the lame statements :)

  11. Is (was) VGM a legitimate label?

    Never thought it was - that may explain why they refer to it as unissued.

    Even if the label wasn't legit this does not make the recordings "unissued". ^_^

    Instances abound where the (legit or relatively legit) reissuers gleefully state "First official release ever" or "Released in authorized form for the first time" (or whatever) so why play hide and seek here?

    This is yet another indication that most of these labels (in their current state) know nothing about jazz fanatics. Can anyone here honestly state that they've made any purchase based on the inclusion of such a statement made/placed on a cd/album cover?

  12. Re: Lateef it would make sense to combine the Savoys and the Prestiges - he sometimes recorded for both on the same weekend.

    But I wouldn't wait - Fresh Sound was faster. There already is a 4 CD box with the 1957 sessions, more will probably follow later ...


    I've got that one ... actually I bought it for rather few tracks - but it's a nice package, and great to have it all in one place! Savoy failed to bring out the "Early" recordings pendant to their very good "Late Savoy" 2CD set, so I figured indeed I'd rather not wait for the Fresh Sound to go OOP, too! It also holds the fine lone Verve album (that was part of the Verve Elite Edition before).

    No more Selects ... is that definitive? I've heard about it, but never saw (or forgot if I did) any final statement or announcement, I think.

    That is definitive, unless Scott was lying to me. No more Selects or Singles. Neither were selling well enough to continue.

    Mosaic was and has always been a labor of love. I sincerely doubt that anyone is getting rich off the big boxes either. Last time I spoke to Scott, I half-joked with him about Mosaic eventually going "download-only". He chuckled, but thankfully stated that their target audience is still the "physical product" crowd. Here's hoping they stay that way (or, more appropriately, have the opportunity to stay that way) for years to come.

  13. It's really too bad! I've got some of it as zeros and ones, and I am keeping my eyes open for used vinyl ... but they would make a great package, maybe even a Mosaic (a Select for the studio material? would be too bad about the terrific Pep's material - possibly my very favorite Lateef! - but still a great set!), but then they probably won't get access, either.

    FYI, there will be no more Selects.

  14. 1350717040' post='1234014']

    1350687288' post='1233949']

    The Rangers just hired Dave Magadan as their hitting coach, Magadan being the Red Sox hitting coach since 2007.

    Not sure what to think?

    Here's what you should think:

    "My team now employs a guy who could only hit singles as its hitting coach". Almost as ludicrous as when the Mets recently employed a guy who used to routinely strike out 200 times a year as their hitting coach.

    Magadan and Greg Jefferies were the 2 biggest "great white hope" disappointments of all my years as a Mets fan. Piece of trivia for ya: As a player with but a few games major league experience, Magadan started the game against Eckersley and the Cubs at Shea Stadium the night the Mets clinched the NL East in 1986. Refusing to be upstaged, Mex forced Davey Johnson to put him into the game in the top of the 9th (replacing a 3 singles (did I really need to point this out) in 3 AB's Magadan) so that he could be on the field for the impending celebration. Once a party animal, always a party animal!

    Mags' problem was he replaced a legend. I didn't see his career as disappointing, just not as good as it could have been. He had a beautiful swing but let's face it he wasn't your prototypical first baseman. There was no other place they could put him. Another piece of trivia: he's Lou Pinella's cousin.

    Jeffries was in a difficult position. He was a wunderkid but the players didn't really accept him. He had a rough time in NY. He could have been a great player, a great Met but it didn't work out. A hitter without a position. Good doubles hitter. Bounced around after he left Mets.

    I believe you meant "wunderkind". Whatever. Neither lived up to his potential. Magadan would've been what he was regardless. Jeffries' problem was even larger -- he was an immature brat, not unlike Jeff Kent.

    I get the feeling that the Mets' exalted scouting department is about to lay more of these overrated types on us. Looking forward to mediocrity well into the 2020's.

  15. The Rangers just hired Dave Magadan as their hitting coach, Magadan being the Red Sox hitting coach since 2007.

    Not sure what to think?

    Here's what you should think:

    "My team now employs a guy who could only hit singles as its hitting coach". Almost as ludicrous as when the Mets recently employed a guy who used to routinely strike out 200 times a year as their hitting coach.

    Would worry about that part except for:


    I'm afraid you misunderstand. Don't get me wrong -- Magadan could hit and had a picture perfect swing, but he just couldn't drive the ball with it. This was all tongue in cheek, btw. I don't believe hitting coaches play any real part in the hitting success (or lack thereof) that a team has. MLB players tend to be stubborn and seem to always believe that their way is best. Who's to argue?

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