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Posts posted by James

  1. Sort of late to the discussion here, but I wanted to wish the best to the cats who lost their jobs. *Especially* those who are fighting depression. I've been out of work since late December, and stayed out of the "fear mode" for the first month by keeping extremely busy with catch-up chores and cleaning my Mom's place -- which was a major operation. Then a serious dark cloud developed, and things got so bad I was forced to completely change my routine to survive. I've started a morning affirmation/meditation routine, upped the excercise (esp. cardio) and have made more time to hang with my really good supportive friends -- doing dinner, and stuff like that that doesn't involve depleting my savings. It's made a world of difference in my outlook. Like connseries, I've decided to retrain, since California will extend my benefits if I choose an in-demand field and help with tuition. Haven't started yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

    Shawn & Alexander --- please be good to yourselves and make sure managing your depression is a priority. I have some bad days, but not like two months ago. I really believe we all can get through this. One of the big things that helps keep me focused on my new mental health program is that I have an elderly Mom that depends on me. What a blessing that has been, as it gets me out of myself -- inasmuch I'm acutely aware that letting my spirits get dangerously low would negatively impact her care.

    Dan.........thanks for lifting me up with your success story, and best wishes to all who are struggling.

  2. Not that dodging a ticket should be motivation for supporting your local PD, I can't help but think that my "I Support the Officers Association" sticker has gotten me out of a couple of close calls. Needless to say, if you've done something really reckless or if you're caught seriously over the limit that little sticker aint gonna help much.

  3. Music speaking loudest, here is a clip of the master in good form blowing on Dancing in the Dark from '84:

    I came across this just last week and sent it to my students. Good stuff.

    Good. He lived it, too. The most no-BS, straight ahead artist I ever knew. I hope his following grows. I'm sure it will.

    One of the great things about having a jazz radio program is that it provides you with an opportunity to advance your own jazz agenda. During the time I was on the air I played a lot of my own Raney collection -- both because I felt he was under-rated and because the station library was thin in the Jimmy dept. Nice to see him getting big kudos here on the O.

  4. Hey Shawn --------- I believe that Rob Whitlock would be a great call for the session that you're describing. He's talented and versatile, and a really easy-going cat. He must be either out of town or very busy, as I'm not hearing back from him. I'd suggest that your friends go to his website and contact him via e-mail, and in the meantime I'll check on the availability of another local player. Here's a link to his site:


  5. Bear with me, Shawn............still waiting on some call backs. I'll have some info. for you shortly via the pm system.

    Edit: now that I see Jim's online I guess I should tell you that my tenor-playing buddy never called me back. You know those

    f'in tenor sax players, eh?

  6. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Politics in the Non-Political Forum, But Were Afraid to Ask

    Honest point Al -- and well made. But aint it a bitch that folks like Mr. Lowe would be amazed that the *scientist* who destroyes his lies with truthful, methodogically sound investigation is a lifelong liberal democrat? (Dr. Gary Kleck)

    Of course that name is completely unfamiliar to Allen, since he hasn't done a lick of homework on the subject.

  7. If you're into techno-bling, they make great pendants. With 400, you can have an interesting ceiling. I recommend the book, 1001 Things To Do With Your Kenny G CDs. I know it's content specific, but I have found that most of the suggestions can readily be applied to Diane Schuur and Wynton Marsalis discs.




    I've got a number of WM discs that I use as coasters in the living room.

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