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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. There's some nice discussion about THEO over at the QuadrophonicQUAD forum. They are digging the surround mixes. http://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/showthread.php?19674-Jim-Alfredson-THEO-Pledge-music

  2. Excited to be tracking at Sears Sound in NYC today. I've always wanted to record in this legendary studio.

  3. Check out my friend Jesse Clayton's nasty solo with Fareed Haque's Mathgames. Oh, and Fareed's solo ain't so shabby either. :)

  4. That may be, but at least you'll look fabulous sliding down that slope.

  5. Woke up at 5:30am for my flight. Got out of the shower to an email that it's delayed four hours. D'oh! #firstworldproblems

  6. Heading to NYC tomorrow for three days of tracking with BIG APPLE BLUES.

  7. Picking my kids up from school. There is plenty of room in front of me for someone to parallel park. So far, only one person has tried and she was so insanely bad at it that somehow she wound up entirely perpendicular to my car. Needless to say, she drove off. FAIL. These parents wouldn't last two minutes in Philly, NYC, LA, or any other real city.

  8. This is way cooler than some stupid dress.

  9. I think I accidentally had the 'vibrato' on instead of 'chorus'. It's easy to knick that button on the SK1 unknowingly while grabbing drawbars (one of my few pet peeves with the instrument). But otherwise, this is a pretty good solo.

  10. I will be playing the jazz at Andiamo in Bloomfield tonight. 7:30pm. A certain Lawrence J.P. Farmington Bannister Barris Esq will accompany me on the lute.

  11. I love this way more than I should.

  12. Andy Williams was no joke. His intonation and tone is beautiful.

  13. “Children do die,” Perry said. “And I’m not trying to sound callous, but [people calling for reform] want to act as if death is an anomaly. But it’s not. It’s a way of life.” If you go to Rep Perry's website, it claims she is is pro-life and "is an ardent supporter of defending each child’s right to life." When does that right end, Rep Perry? Once the child is born into a house of religious zealots who allow the child to suffer needlessly and o...

  14. I highly recommend the book on which this documentary is based: Going Clear by Lawrence Wright.

  15. "Six million people are under correctional supervision in the U.S.—more than were in Stalin’s gulags."

  16. Your Republican crony leadership at work, folks. My favorite quote: "The Ilitches say the new arena will create 400 part- and full-time jobs..." Oh sure, 400 part and full time jobs. Let's see... $261 million in tax dollars to build the arena divided by 400... That's $625,500 per person that the state would probably be better off just handing to these workers. Something tells me they won't make anywhere near that much money even if they work at the stadium for 25 years. And are those jobs i...

  17. At the Green Door Lounge with Greg Nagy hitting from 3 to 6pm. Get yet butt down here!

  18. This was a fun, quick read on my flights this week.

  19. I have to give the Dallas / Ft Worth airport some credit. The overhead music this evening is great. Coltrane's Naima just finished.

  20. I wish I could stay longer in LA but heading back home today. How cold was it this morning in Lansing? -20 degrees?!? Ugh.

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