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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Off to LA for a day of recording.

  2. “Science is a method for deciding whether what we choose to believe has a basis in the laws of nature or not.”

  3. Just another reason to fear for the future of my children. One dumb joke and your life is ruined. This is freedom?

  4. Ah, the unfollow button. How I love thee.

  5. My diabolical plan is complete. I just turned the great Detroit organist / keyboardist Chris Codish out on the Hammond SK2. He was playing a Nord Stage the first set. Now he's swangin' that Hammond.

  6. Still think social welfare is the problem? Think again. It's all about corporate welfare. "Detroit this week became the most prominent example of this trend. Officials in the financially devastated city said their plan to slash public workers' pension benefits will move forward. On the same day, the billionaire owners of the Detroit Red Wings, the Ilitch family, unveiled details of an already-approved taxpayer-financed stadium for the professional hockey team. Many Detroit retirees now face...

  7. This is my favorite negative review received thus far for any of my releases. Muskrat Love? What you got against the Captain, mothertrucker?!? Muskrat Sam 'bout to put a whoopin' on your ass.

  8. "Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones." ~ Bertrand Russell An apt description of my FB feed tonight. Time to retire before I blow a gasket.

  9. This just in: I will NOT be at Andiamo's tonight. The gig was cancelled but I'm still getting paid (hell yes). We'll be back next Friday.

  10. This is such a cool record. Bill Stewart, Larry Goldings, and Kevin Hayes. http://www.amazon.com/Incandescence-Bill-Stewart/dp/B0014Z3P02

  11. I'll see you on the dark side of the moon...

  12. I should do this when I tune pianos. "Jim is now listening to C1." "Jim is now listening to C1 again." "Jim is still listening to C1." "Jim is now listening to C#1." And on and on for about 75 minutes.

  13. Mike LeDonne's latest CD is killer! I heard a cut on WDET while driving to Detroit this past Saturday and about fell out of my van! You gotta grab this! http://mikeledonne.net/discography/albums/i-love-music/

  14. Think any pizza joints are delivering? #blizzard2015

  15. If he's speaking musically, then I'd have to agree.

  16. "Tobias has endured chickenpox and whooping cough, though Ms. McMenimen said the latter seemed more like a common cold. She considered a tetanus shot after he cut himself on a wire fence but decided against it: “He has such a strong immune system.” To paraphrase Krusty The Klown: "You ma'am, are an idiot." From wiki: "Tetanus often begins with mild spasms in the jaw muscles—also known as lockjaw or trismus. The spasms can also affect the chest, neck, back, abdominal muscle...

  17. Here's a neat interview I did about the new THEO release. http://www.musicstreetjournal.com/index_interview_display.cfm?id=100690 There's a review on the site as well, which I will link in the comments.

  18. Two thoughts on air travel today: 1) There is no way to avoid looking like a snooty, privileged imperialist while getting your shoes shined at those hallway shoe-shining stands and 2) The men's rooms always smell like the inside of a tauntaun.

  19. Too many people to thank for such a great NAMM hang but let's see if I can remember most of them. First, my Hammond brethren: Gregory Gronowski, Scott May, Steve Simmons, Jack Maher, Jennifer Landeros, Jimmie N Davina Smith, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Brian Charette, Wil Blades, Abe Thomas, Ron Oswanski, Jon Hammond, Gary Swan & Ruben Agosto. And my CASIO family: Mike Martin, Paul Mouradjian, Kristian Terzić, Jerry Kovarsky, & Tom Brislin. And last but certainly not least, Stephen Fortner, Duffy...

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