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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. At Greenfield Village with the family. So much fun. Haven't been here since I was in fifth grade.

  2. Nothing like your back going into spasms while changing the nastiest poopy diaper in the history of mankind. Do I let go off the poor child and let her skid mark across the floor or do I finish the job while my back goes into full charlie-horse mode?

  3. Just read that Michigan is the fifth fattest state in the nation. I wonder how this coincides with poverty rates? The cheapest food is also the least healthy in this country.

  4. As I was sitting in Greenfield Village with the girls and my wife, the five of us enjoying copious amounts of frozen custard, and thinking about how things were for women back in those days (around 1850 or so), I had the following thought: How much further along would the human race be if the majority of societies were not as ruthlessly patriarchal? How many potential Einsteins/Newtons/Edisons/Teslas/Darwins/Platos/etc. did we lose due to the misogyny inherent in the most successful civilizat...

  5. As usual, the Simpsons are ahead of the curve.
  6. Wish my stomach would settle down. It's been three days of this. Bleh.

  7. Yo, Bloomington, IL! Playing the Castle Theater tonight, 7:45pm! You got's to be there!

  8. "... an impressive debut." PROG magazine "The whole album is perfectly composed and performed. The recording, mixing and mastering is incredible." DPRP ""‘The Game of Ouroboros’ is that rare thing, an album with great music and meaningful lyrics..." GetReadyToRock.me.uk "Definitely one for the classic Prog lovers but it deserves wide exposure because it is a remarkable album." Music-News.com "The Game Of Ouroboros is a sonically stunning progressive rock album with excellent...

  9. Going to miss this place.
  10. Stella's lyrics to a holiday classic: "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree. Oh you and me, oh Christmas tree."

  11. I think it is quite funny that the political party that has worked so hard over the last 30 years to align itself with Christianity is touting the philosophy of a hardcore atheist. I have personal experience with the level of cognitive dissonance required to connect those two ideologies together. It's an amazing level of delusion.

  12. Life begins at incorporation.

  13. And now for your daily dose of bullshit. "God owns it all. We're just managers for him." Oh, really? God owns all the money in the world (a human creation if there ever was one) and needs hedge fund managers for it? Why am I reminded of George Carlin? "But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!”

  14. The Dakota in Minneapolis tonight! 8pm!

  15. Are any of my cool friends also masters at custom Wordpress templates?

  16. So that whole thing about recovery? One more ain't gonna hurt.
  17. Need your piano tuned before the family gathering? Now's the time! Call me to set up an appointment for this week! 974-4815

  18. One more show in Wassau, WI tomorrow and then I get to see my beautiful daughters and my incredible wife again, for the first time in five weeks.

  19. Alberta Rose Theater in Portland OR tonight!

  20. With special guests Brian Charette and Fareed Haque!
  21. Home again home again, jiggity ji...esus it's been 24 hours of trains, three planes, four airports, a taxi, and a 90 minute drive home from Windsor. But we're back. Good night.
  22. Quote my wife a moment ago as we flipped channels and landed on Austin City Limits: "This song is horrible. I can't even really hear it and I hate it."

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