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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Boo. Just dropped my iPhone and the screen shattered completely.

  2. Boulder has been fun. Tomorrow off to Taos, NM to play the Solar Center!

  3. Boy, last night was rough. I started feeling weird around 3pm and by 7pm had to lay down. I never got back up until now! Body aches, fever, sore throat... something nailed me, but I feel great now!

  4. Bradfordville Blues Club in Tallahassee, FL tonight! 10pm.

  5. Breyer's "Homestyle Vanilla" is nasty. Corn syrup, xanthan gum, artificial coloring (though no Yellow #5, thankfully). What the heck, Breyer's?!?

  6. Bridgegate? Really? I'm surprised the me-diots didn't label the closing of national parks last October as part of the government shutdown "Gategate". Can we please stop attaching the suffix "gate" to any and every political outrage?

  7. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

  8. Burlington Discover Jazz Festival in Vermont tonight at 7:30pm (7:15pm if the rain continues) on the Long Trail Live stage (Church St).

  9. Campaign Slogan: “I Studied This Time”

  10. Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me.

  11. Can't sleep... clown'll eat me.

  12. Can't wait to rock out at Blind Willie's tonight in Atlanta! My good friend Matthew Kaminski is kindly loaning me his XK3 and Leslie 21 system for the gig! And Casio is providing a nice PX3 courtesy of Dirt Cheep Music in Smyrna! Thank you!

  13. Canal House in Tuscawaras, OH tonight. Whahappy?

  14. Ch. 11 of Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States" should be required reading for all citizens.

  15. Check out my friend Jesse Clayton's nasty solo with Fareed Haque's Mathgames. Oh, and Fareed's solo ain't so shabby either. :)

  16. Chesapeake Blues Festival was a ball! Back to Seattle tomorrow.

  17. Chicago, Chicago that toddling town. Chicago, Chicago... Spread it around.

  18. Cincinnati Winter Blues Bash tonight.

  19. Clearwater Blues Festival tonight! Headlinin'. Oh yeah!

  20. Congrats to MSU. I'm not into sports much anymore, but always nice to see the Spartans win. I'm working on music so I didn't see the game.

  21. Connecting with clients again this evening. Do you need your piano tuned, a sticky key looked at, or other piano-related work? Give me a shout!

  22. Copenhagen, Denmark. Just hanging at the airport, waiting for our flight to Norway. Nice joint! :)

  23. Corporations, like pieces of art, religion, or other human artifacts, beliefs, or institutions, are manifestations of cultural desire. ~ Derrick Jensen

  24. Country Club Saloon in Loomis, CA tonight. 9pm

  25. Creativity lurks in limitations.

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