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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Cutting "cable" and using that money for a YMCA membership is one of the best decisions we've made. I'm down to 190lbs, feeling great, and the kids get to swim all winter long. Oh, and my little wifey is lookin' damn fine, too. :D

  2. Day 2 in the studio today with Janiva Magness, tracking her new album. Wait until you hear this one.

  3. Day 3 in the studio with Janiva Magness. I can't wait until people hear this record.

  4. Day off in Switzerland. Life is good.

  5. Day two in Italy. What an amazing place. We have a much needed day off today and all I can think about is getting more of the absolutely incredible food. YUM!

  6. Dear grocery store music programmers, No one needs to hear All She Wants To Do Is Dance by Don Henley ever again. Thanks. Sincerely, People with taste.

  7. Dear Jeb Bush, No. Sincerely, America

  8. Dear Michiganders, Can we get rid of the corporate stooge in the governor's office, please? Thanks, ----Jimmy

  9. Dear Ohio: Your roads suck. Sincerely, me.

  10. Dear people that write hilarious Amazon reviews of goofy products: You are ignoring a goldmine.

  11. Dear pop songwriters: If you're going to take the cheap way out and use the ubiquitous I - V - VI m - IV chord progression, at least do something interesting with it. Strumming your guitar and whining an insipid, poorly written melody over the top doesn't count.

  12. Did you know if you pre-order the new Janiva Magness CD direct from her website, you get an exclusive free bonus download? This is the only way to get this tune! It ain't on the CD or at iTunes or nowheres. You can only get it by pre-ordering the CD on Janiva's site!

  13. Done with FB today. It's just depressing.

  14. DuBoise, PA tonight at the Treasure Lake Ski Lodge.

  15. Due to getting only about 90 minutes of sleep last night I started reading about sleep on the bus to the airport and wondering if I could do a polyphasic or dymaxion sleep cycle. Then again, the fact that I'm thinking about this probably means I need more sleep. :)

  16. Earthwork Harvest Gathering today with starting at 2:30pm! Be there!

  17. Electricity has been restored. 37 degrees in the house. It's slowly warming back up. Merry Christmas.

  18. Ever hear Jimmy Smith's Root Down on a Farfisa accordion? No? That's because you're not cool enough.

  19. Every now and then (seems more the former lately) we're reminded of how tenuous life is. And the wound is re-opened a little bit.

  20. Evidently Costco is where people go to buy toilet paper. Either that or the folks at Costco spend an inordinate amount of time on the shitter.

  21. Exactly how much weed does one have to be smoking for me to get a contact buzz from driving behind them for only a quarter of a mile? Criminey... take is easy, Cheech and Chong.

  22. Excited to be tracking at Sears Sound in NYC today. I've always wanted to record in this legendary studio.

  23. FB friends, I need a list of the worst bungles in sports history. Dropped balls, bad plays, fumbled catches, etc. Botched plays that lost an important game, like a playoff or the World Series. Thanks!

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