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Posts posted by BeBop

  1. Oh yeah, Pony Express. I've read it a couple of times. I also knew Pony. He comes across as a pretty bitter individual in the book; he was considerably less so in person. He also comes off as conceited or 'a legend in his own mind'; again, that wasn't really my impression of him. All that said - not quite a ringing endorsement - here's one source for the book, along with publisher information, et cetera...


  2. Personally, Flagstaff's the only city in the state (among those I've visited which includes probably every city over 50,000 population) that I like. Sedona's good for a laugh. Friends whose tastes I trust claim to like Tucson, but it's never really done anything for me. Still, in terms of scenery and geology, Arizona's a nice place. Just watch out for the silver and turquoise (sp?) jewelry.

  3. The Zoot Sims sessions are good. I like Basie Jam, though AMG pans it. And Satch and Josh (Basie/Peterson). The Montreux recordings are okay. The Ray Bryants are among my favorites from his oeuvre (though I don't have lots...).

  4. For me, it's Pres versus Hawk. Without these two, would the others even exist?

    Pres may be my favorite, but I'm inclined to go with Hawk as the greatest. Without him, I fear the saxophone may have been relegated to life as a novelty or circus amusement, like the trombone. (JUST KIDDING!)

  5. If someone disses your favorite recording, or puts down your political cause, vent here! Done right, your rant could provide just the release of steam you need, without starting a flame war. Think of it...

    "So what kind of drugs were you on when you 'grooved' to that lame disc?"

    'Sure, Liberia today and Luxembourg tomorrow'.

    Obviously, this will only work if the flames are de-personalized. The separate thread just gives physical separation.

    Okay, just a thought.

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