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John Tapscott

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Status Replies posted by John Tapscott

  1. Hi John,

    hope everything is fine inspite of the Corona diease.

    I'm cautious all the time because I will spend some more time with the collection.

    At this time I am revisiting a lost of West Coast material on V.S.O.P. and ATLAS label in my collection.

    Best wishes



    1. John Tapscott

      John Tapscott

      Hi Willie: Yes, we're fine thanks. My wife and I just retired a couple of months ago. We moved back to her home province of Nova Scotia where we had a new house built for our retirement. We are enjoying it very much. I finally unpacked and shelved all my recordings (mostly CD's - still have a few LP's and cassettes!) Starting to listen more now. 

      COVID-19 is quite rare in this part of Canada, though more common in the province of Ontario where we came from.  But we are being cautious, mask wearing, distancing etc. Public activities and travel are curtailed somewhat.  Our daughter works in a dental office and her main function right now is screening patients for COVID-19 symptoms.  

      I enjoy your postings. I have the Art Pepper box set on ATLAS. Also some have V.S.O.P. CD's.   

      All the best


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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