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    Collecting Records & unissued radio concerts pref. big bands, cover art books, DOWN BEAT Jazz magazine, creating & trading homemade CD-R occasionally, member at Discogs & SHF's

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  1. Debut DLP-11 (Japan 1996 ) Sam Most Quartet Plus Two - rec. 1953 -
  2. 😁 👍 Love it!
  3. Excellent! Mode originals are hard to find
  4. Mode Records MOD LP # 120 (Japan) - Victor Feldman On Vibes - rec. 1957 - Engineer: Dayton Howe
  5. Mode Records MOD LP #119 - Harry Babasin And The Jazz Pickers - rec. 1957 - Engineer: Dayton Howe
  6. Thanks for your comments. Monks name isnt correct spelled ---> only 'u'.... and this on an official record.😬
  7. Kapp HI-Fi KL 1055 (FSR reissue 1987) - John Towner (Williams) . The John Towner Touch" - rec. 1956
  8. Yes agree to your reflections. Living in a small town with no record shop I used the Internet the last 15 years and inform myself from Discogs. My collection is catalogued in my PARADOX database. But if you have - as mentioned- different recordlabels,coverart, LP-/or CD-number for reissues, the content is the only way to be on the right track. Have also a great part of titles from my collection in a track Index with playing time to find out are the tracks originals or abridged versions. Pacific Jazz for example had often different versions of the same track to name just one example for these problens. We collectors have to live with the situation as you say. 😬 Now this is really a great album. Have the 'Inner City' version
  9. Another example from the Fresh Sound "vinyl ' times World Pacific Records P-2005 - Chet Baker/Bud Shank " The Music From The James Dean story" - rec. 1957 (FSR 1986)
  10. As a longtime record collector I could not avoid similar experiences (there are obviously more collectors here in the forum). Just recently bought a vinyl on Concord Jazz vinyl "The Jazz Giants live from Switzerland" issued with complete different cover and found out I have the japanese EmArCy reissue for years on the shelf. It is necessary to check the content (tracks) first if you have a bigger collection. From that Fresh Sound vinyl era you have mentioned I have a good bunch of Items bought here in Germany becaus the US originals were long oop and Jordi Pujol had started the reissues later on CD's only. The problem for trading vinyl is you can do it only here with european collectors. The postage for sending a vinyl to the US is pure robbery .
  11. Very early Mariano before his 'Bhagwan Trip' which changed his music and personality completely (same happened with Tony Scott) Prestige (OJC) 1745 - "Boston All Stars" - rec. 1951 (A) & 1953 (B) - Engineering (remastering): Phil DeLancie
  12. Gene Norman Presents GNP 60 (FSR reissue 1988) - Jack Sheldon And His Exciting All-Star Band - rec. 1959
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