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Posts posted by jmjk

  1. RIP, Cedar.

    I originally bought his lp called Cedar! because KD was on it, but obviously learned a larger appreciation for Cedar himself. I enjoy his work with Blue Mitchell and "Mode For Joe" is one of my favorite of his compositions.

  2. I'm not even going to bring up Frank Strozier -

    Actually when I started reading this thread now (had never noticed it before) the original question immediately made me think of Frank Strozier too.

    Actually, when I started reading this thread, it made me think of Aric's thread back in the BNBB days asking whether Herbie Nichols was gay or not.

  3. I've actually gone a step beyond mp3s and often play streams when not at home (in the car, mostly). I have the Rhapsody app for my iPhone and for a small monthly charge, I can stream anything in their database---which is quite a lot. The sound quality is less than perfect most of the time, but I can deal with it.

    It's a good way to check out lots of music and if I like something, I'll buy the cd. So it's not much different that Spotify from a user POV, and it's just as mobile.

    I don't think I can totally give up a physical products like vinyl and cds, but streams and mp3s are fine for me in most daily situations.

  4. I just recently became hip to Peter Bernstein's playing via his sideman dates on the Criss Cross label. I guess better late than never? His work with Melvin Rhyne for example is superb. I really dig what this guy is doing. Sticking with the Criss Cross label for now, any thoughts on his dates as a leader?

    Tom, you may like his Brain Dance date on Criss Cross, which also has Eric Alexander. The version of "You Leave Me Breathless" on that album is something I re-visit often. I like Peter's playing a lot, and I wish I could grab a lesson or two with him. Maybe someday... :shrug[1]:

    Anyone hear the newish guy on Criss Cross named Jonathan Kreisberg? Love his phrasing.

  5. For me it's probably:


    Blackwater Park

    Still Life

    My Arms, Your Hearse




    Ghost Reveries


    Just because Ghost Reveries and Watershed are at the bottom of my list doesn't mean I dislike them. I actually like them both very much, just not as much as what came before. Ghost Reveries, in particular, is an eff-ing CRACKING album. I just don't get the same buzz off of that as I do the others, like Still Life, Blackwater and Deliverance.

    In addition to the regular releases, I've picked up the deluxe editions of Blackwater Park, Still Life, Ghost Reveries and Watershed just for the 5.1 mixes. Blackwater Park KILLS in 5.1, but I haven't had the time to dedicate to the others yet.

    (edit for sloppy spelling!)

  6. Been an Opeth fan for some time, though I feel they are starting to become less and less interesting. I think losing Martin Lopez really changed the chemistry of the instrumental aspects of the band. Also, way too many "clean" vocals.

    I feel this way to a certain extent also. Lopez was great, but I think Opeth's recent change in direction (since before Watershed) also followed Akerfeldt's whims at any given moment, maybe more than the absence of certain musicians in the band. I can appreciate that losing Lopez AND Peter had an impact, though.

    I see the run of albums from My Arms, Your Hearse through Damnation to be the best the band has done. They're all just incredible from start to finish. Last year's live set at the Royal Albert Hall was fantastic also.

    One think I'd LOVE to see is the fist two albums remixed. The music on Orchid and Morningrise is so powerful, but I can't listen to that bad guitar tone for an album's length of time---especially Morningrise. Beautiful, but not without pain to my ears (but maybe THAT'S the point? <_< ).

  7. I can't believe I"m saying this, but count me among the recent converts to Opeth. I'm not big on their death metal vocals, but there's a lot of other stuff going on that I find pretty interesting.

    I see the death metal growling is just another approach in creating a tonal character for the music--like another color in a painted image. Just another instrument, really.

    When I first discovered Opeth, I was very alarmed by the growls, and felt that I maybe shouldn't be listening to this sort of stuff!! I remember even feeling guilty when I bought Blackwater Park, thinking I had done something irreverant (6 years of Catholic School will do that to you)! These days I welcome the dm growls, and I'm disappointed that the upcoming release will not contain this coloring.

    Will definitely try to catch the Worcester, MA show, or one of the NY shows in September.

  8. Shawn, I'm sorry to read about your leaving, especially since it seems to be about more than running out of things to say about jazz. I know you'll find it within yourself to work things out.

    Check in when you can, and if you need burns of Opeth, Porc Tree or any other Prog Metal that you and I love, shoot me a PM. I'd be happy to oblige.


  9. After reading this I bet he couldn't keep up. Wow, did he embarrass himself. I jumped ship when his 'lesson' referred to Charlie Parker as a 'bebop innovator of the '30s'.

    'Nuff said...

    As well as misspelling Diz's first name. Also, I think he's wrong on the reason for Trane's death, but I have to look this up, as I don't remember exactly. Maybe I shouldn't feel worthy to talk about Trane and I might just sip my dry Martini instead. :rolleyes:

  10. In season, out of season, no matter what mood I'm in, when I get discouraged, when I want to express happiness, get over sorrow, start to feel good about life again, get over tragedy, celebrate good times, there is one recording throughout my life that I have returned to again, and again, and again, and again,....

    Marvin Gaye: What's Going On.


    Great choice! I love this record and need to re-visit it more.

  11. Miles - both Milestones and Nefertiti (Nefertiti wins in frequency by an edge, though...)

    Burrell - Blue Lights 1 and 2

    Paul Desmond - Easy Living

    Trane - Coltrane's Sound and Crescent

    Andrew Hill - Judgment!

    Bobby Hutcherson - Components

    Depeche Mode - Violator

    jmjk... I don't think I've read anything from you in a while!

    Yeah. I don't have as much time to read and participate in the O Forums as I used to. Two toddlers will do that to ya!

  12. I am so bummed right now I can't even begin to think about what it will be like without Jack's place. I learned so much stuff just standing around "shooting the shit" with Jack and his gang. The great "debates" held there always put a smile on my face. I still haven't been able to convince Charlie that I listen to anything other than Blue Note CDs. :)

    I'm bummed, too. I can't say that I've been to the store more than a handful of times since moving back to NY 7 years ago, and for this I am really sorry.

    Jack, I don't know your reasons for closing. However, if there is an economic aspect to it, I wish I could help.

    I don't know if many on the O Forums are familiar with the 3/50 Project, but the project is something my family supports in order to keep the small, independent businesses we love alive in my part of NY State. There are so many businesses for which I'd love to pledge to spend $50 per month. I wish I could better achieve this for those places outside my direct locale.

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