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Posts posted by DTMX

  1. You don't have to go as far as Prague, Free For All. Churchill Grounds in Atlanta has pretty much much everything you described - especially since they bought the space next door to set up a stage & bar separate from the tables & bar for those that didn't come for the music. Local acts most nights of the week, and better-known artists (Greg Osby, Greg Tardy, Tim Armacost) bringing their own bands or sitting in with the locals on the weekends. And occasionally a headliner playing a larger venue will drop by (David Sanchez was in the other night, but didn't play). Great menu, too.

  2. 1987: Bought The Ultimate Otis Redding and Songs to Learn and Sing by Echo & the Bunnymen. Then the Marvin Gaye Anthology, and a few weeks later Talking Heads' Naked.

    After a few more months I had saved up enough money to buy a CD player. That's when I was able to hear them for the first time (the first on my block with one of them compactified doodad players).

  3. ive been eying the daryl hall solo album too whats the deal w/ it- is it different from hall and oates- cause hall n oates makes me wanna kill myself

    It's more Hall & Fripp than Hall & Oates. Robert Fripp is the anti-Oates. Haven't listened to it in a while, but I remember it being a collection of quirky pop songs.

  4. Gotta tuba? Want to put on your resume that you studied with Anthony Braxton and participated in a world premiere?


    Dear tubists and friends: I would like to announce a very special event coming up in June for which I need your help: the premiere of Anthony Braxton's COMPOSITION #19 for 100 Tubas! This premiere will occur on the Bang-on-a-Can Marathon concert on June 4, 2006 in New York. The performance will fall between 12 and 2 PM at the World Financial Center Wintergarden Hall.

    COMPOSITION #19 is a parade piece which consists of 4 bands of 25 tubists each. There is marching required. The 5 pages of music will fit into a marching portfolio. Mr. Braxton says the music is not technically difficult. There will be opportunities for improvisation for those of you who are comfortable with that.

    We need tubas! We need euphoniums! The rehearsal for this perfomance will be on Saturday, June 3 (time TBA). Mr. Braxton will lead the rehearsal. For those of you that are not familiar with Anthony Braxton's music, he is one of the most original composers around. He has written music for just about every instrumental combination you can think of, including operas, orchestra works and chamber ensemble pieces. He has always been a friend of low sounds and of the tuba. Just listen to him wail on his contrabass saxophone! Check out his album THE COMPLETE BRAXTON 1971 for a recording of his COMPOSITION #4 for tuba quintet.

    Please contact me if you would like to participate in this momentous tuba event! Looking forward to playing with you in June. Jay Rozen; 516-338-6966; jay_rozen@hotmail.com ((jay_rozen@hotmail.com).


  5. A favorite was the Wally Wood-Harvey Kurtzman parody of "Superman" in which the caped hero, Superduperman, runs into another caped hero, Captain Marbles (as in Captain Marvel) -- or rather he runs into annoying little Billy Spafon, boy reporter, who transforms himself into Captain Marbles by saying "SHAZOOM!" (as in "SHAZAAM!"). In any case, Superduperman says, "Shazoom? Vas ist das Shazoom?" -- to which little Billy's reply is:





    Ox, power of

    Ox, power of another


    Damn! Damn! DAMN!

    I wanted to be the one to post that! For whatever reason that





    Ox, power of

    Ox, power of another

    Money" stuck in my 9-year old head and I've never forgotten it. I think it was the "Ox, power of; Ox, power of another" that did it. :rofl:

    I read "Superduper Man", "Starchie", and parodies of The Shadow and Wonder Woman in some paperback anthologies that my parents were more than happy to let me blow my hard-earned allowance on. Every panel of those stories were loaded with sight-gags; I could read them over and over and see something new each time (unobservant dullard that I was). Good times...

  6. chimp.jpg

    I know what you're thinking. Did he have six chimps or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a chimpanzee, the most powerful primate in the world, and would chew your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?

  7. Aaah, gotta love the Stooges, AC/DC, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Motorhead. Rock is best when it's dumb.

    It doesn't get much dumber than Alabama Thunderpussy - currently in heavy rotation on my car stereo. Pistols and Motorhead are good commuting music as well.

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