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Posts posted by Noj

  1. I think OKC will be fine. Their core is intact and it will just be a matter of building chemistry with Kevin Martin, who can shoot the ball. Westbrook is a bit of a hothead and a head case, but they can overcome it.

    Harden's loving his new, expanded role in Houston. The guy can flat out shoot. Between he and Lin, Houston's collective basketball IQ doubled.

  2. The Lakers might have landed a new center and a few aging stars, but their bench is terrible, they have no shooters whatsoever, the offense they are running is stupid, and their defense is nonexistent. The Clippers, on the other hand, are DEEP. If they stay healthy, the Clips might be the team battling OKC in the WCF.

  3. I have a folder with nearly 1200 hand-picked images from which my computer randomly selects a new image for my desktop every 15 minutes. Currently there's a watercolor by NC Wyeth up.

    I do something similar on my Mac, but in screen saver mode, with the images changing every few seconds. I like seeing that when I return to the computer after not using it for 15 minutes or whatever the threshold is. Plus, I can initiate it any time using the "sleep corner" thing. Sometimes I like to run that when I'm at the computer, but doing something other than actually using it (like eating). When I am using the computer, I generally can't see 90% of the desktop image anyway, so I'm wondering whether having the desktop image changing would be as interesting. Typically the only situation where I really take the time to look at my desktop image is briefly, when I'm waiting for the computer to shut down.

    Being completely neurotic, I minimize/maximize windows constantly as I change between tasks. Sometimes just to peek at the image that's up. Right now it's that great B&W candid shot of Mingus in a trenchcoat with a pipe in his mouth, escorting his gorgeous wife. :cool:

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