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Kari S

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Posts posted by Kari S

  1. Any sites or people that you guys recommend?

    It's worthwhile to check out all of the Finnish Blue Note releases. They're released under EMI, but at the moment I don't know of any sites that would sell them worldwide.

    - Jukka Perko, Severi Pyysalo & Teemu Viinikainen: "Kuunnelmia" (2004)

    - Jukka Perko: "Music Of Olavi Virta" (2000)

    - U-Street All Stars: "Bowling" (2004) and "Helsinki Sessions" (2002)

    - Trio Töykeät: "High Standards" (2003)

    - Severi Pyysalo & Antti Sarpila: "New Moods, New Sounds" (2001)

    Some selections from Fiasko Records:

    - Kari Ikonen: "Karikko" (2001)

    - Gnomus' releases

    - Gourmet's releases.

    For more electric taste, these two are also worth checking out, essential and influential in the so called "nu-jazz" scene. Dusty Groove has both.

    - Nuspirit Helsinki: "Nuspirit Helsinki" (2002, Guidance Records)

    - Teddy Rok Seven: "Universal Four" (2004)


    The FIMIC website has some basic info.


    Here's a few artists I recommend:

    - Jukka Perko (alto sax)

    - Eero Koivistoinen (tenor sax)

    - Teppo Mäkynen (drums)

    - Severi Pyysalo (vibes)

    - Jarmo Savolainen (piano)

    - Jukkis Uotila (drums & piano)

    - Mikko Innanen (various reeds)

  2. Some observations on the whole show:

    - "The dead guy rule". If you've just kicked it, you're bound to win. That's the American way. Also, the idea of giving someone a lifetime award when they've been gone for decades amazes me.

    - If you've just performed, you'll win the next category. This year: Kanye West. Last year: Beyoncé. The year before: Norah. etc.

    - Boy does Quincy Jones look old. Alicia Keys on the other hand, with long and straight hair, looked fine. I just wish (like a lot of others) that she would give the embellishments and melismas a rest. Jamie Foxx sings surprisingly well. Brian Wilson seemed to be pretty "out there".

    - God I loathe Jennifer Lopez even more. Her [current] hubby at least sang with a great voice, and I guess you could call it "passion". She, on the other hand, warbled nasally into her nose with a dead-flat voice that was out of key. I couldn't help but think of that episode of "South Park" where Cartman's hand became J.Lo.

    - The Maples lady sounded like a truck driver after a particularly bad bender. AND badly off-key as well... Embarrassing to watch - the same goes for James Brown's performance. I was surprised though that Queen Latifah can actually sing - I think her performance was one of the highlights - this goes to tell a lot of the quality of the show. No offence.

    - The "all star" tsunami tribute was quite a miserable thing - and for all the wrong reasons. Norah Jones especially seemed to have trouble getting anything proper out of her mouth.

    - John Mayer...where to start. I just can't stand his voice. Is he kidding or something? He's actually thought it through and said to himself - that's how I'm going to sound like, an Adam Sandler funny voice. At least it's very personal and identifiable. And he does play guitar very well and writes kind of jazzy songs, which is always good. It was also funny when he said in his acceptance speech with a straight face that "he still doesn't think that [the song that won] should be the single release".

    - Some good things: Nelly didn't win anything (I think?). Not too many rappers did, overall, which is always a good thing. Remember that Puff Daddy has won a Grammy for ripping off Sting's "Every Breath...". Just because he made it a sappy tribute to his fallen dope pusher buddy.

  3. I'm really impressed with your cover, Kari.

    Here's my Larry Young cover from last year. I think the Conn cover was a real disappointment.

    Thanks! The colours remind me a bit of a certain Sam Rivers album, though... Yours is not too shabby either, although that pic might be a bit questionable - Larry looks either like he's sleeping or he's "in the zone"... :lol: I also thought that the cover art for the Conn reissue was too much of a "safe bet" and, well, quite boring actually. They should've gone for something more "of that era", which was the late 60's. I mean the title for the album is "mothership", for chrissakes - that alone should feed your imagination to a million different directions.

    (I remember there was actually an another thread on this topic a while ago where I also posted this:)


  4. The arrangement to 'Pinocchio' is superb, I think. But when you say "new originals", do mean brand new tunes that aren't on the Directions In Music: Live At Massey Hall cd (it has three, I think)? If so, cool. Perhaps we can expect a new album to emerge sometime, who knows.

    And about those UK shows. If I understood correctly, Hancock plays three concerts: with his quartet, with various electric groups and finally with an orchestra? Where can I get tickets!? :o

  5. I have a question about Big John's Memphis To New York Spirit from 1969-1970. Allmusic says that it should have 8 tracks, including one of my favorite tunes ever, McCoy's "Man From Tanganyika". Now, I have the BN (reissue) LP from 1996 right in front of me, but it only has 5 tracks??! :angry: :angry: WTF? Was there also a cd reissue and were they included on that instead, or something?

  6. This is a fantastic DVD! The concert is spectacular, in both the more energetic stuff and when they take it down a bit (like when Jarrett is playing some long chords/notes towards the end of the concert - absolutely beautiful). Great sound; beautiful, vivid colors.

    The only bad thing about it is that it starts with Crouch's ugly face. :D I guess the intention was to 'just get it over with', let the ogre diss electric-Miles and then let it really get going... Also, did you notice that in the interviews, Jarrett was the only one who didn't play anything? Well, ok Dave Holland and Joni Mitchell didn't either, but Holland didn't have his bass with him, and Mitchell didn't play in Miles' bands. That motherfu... Jarrett probably asked for a full length concert Steinway in the studio, even though he didn't have any intention to play anything. Just so that he would look better. <_<

    Even though they could've interviewed more people, like Maupin, it is nevertheless a job very well done. Now someone please release the Copenhagen 1969 concert /w Shorter on dvd!

  7. Woody was a fantastic composer. "The Moontrane", "Zoltan", "Little Red's Fantasy", "Rosewood", "Katrina Ballerina"... Moontrane is one of my all time fav tunes. And he was only about 17 when he wrote it...

    I've been kicking myself for not getting the Last Of The Line set when it was available. If anyone has Love Dance in mp3, feel free to PM me. ^_^

  8. Ask him if there's plans for any future releases of live performances (past and present) on CD or, especially DVD. You see glimpses of concerts from the 70's in documentaries, for example, and the fact that none of these are released puzzles me. (The same goes for Miles concerts). Obviously the issue of quality comes to mind as one reason, but nevertheless I'm sure that somewhere there is a guy like Claude Nobs who's just sitting on a huge pile of ultra-rare concert footage... :angry::P

  9. I was just browsing through this great book called "the big book of rap lists", which is filled with various lists regarding the subject. I thought - why not make similar lists here, but with jazz as the subject matter. They can be based on facts, but having fun is required. Creativity is encouraged!

    The probability of this thread disappearing in the limbo is probable, but here's an example off the top of my head...

    "Alter egos in song titles" - TOP 5

    1. "The Sorcerer"

    2. "The Prince Of Darkness"

    3. "Dr. Honoris Causa"

    4. "Captain Marvel"

    5. uhm... "Captain Fingers"? :rolleyes:

  10. I hate to admit it, but the best part about the telecast was mr "wardrobe malfunction" 's performance. <_< Although I deeply despise the man I question, and you could almost read "I desperately want to be black, dawg" on his Rhodes ;), you gotta give it to the man for trying to be soulful. Well, actually the props should go to the Neptunes who've composed and produced that track he performed. It's...uhm...dope! Dig that chord progression and melody - you don't hear those on every other pop or r&b song.

    The Corea thing could've been something great, turned out to be just the same radio rock number with an old man tinkling with his piano on the side.

  11. I lost my interest (if I ever even had any) in the Grammies ever since that Puff Diddy-Duddy-Daddy guy won one for his rip-off of Sting's 'Every Breath You Take'.

    At least this year there might be a few interesting performances. The rock band Foo Fighters is to perform - of all people - with Chick Corea (!). There's also a performance by Kurt Elling with Santana, and a "funk tribute" featuring Earth Wind & Fire, George Clinton & Parliament and OutKast.

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