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Two faced DVDs!


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I've just entered the world of DVD. (better late than never) My first DVD was PALE RIDER (I'm a big Eastwood western fan (Unforgiven is one of my all-time favorites)) Picked it up for $5.99 (really can't ever see me paying full price for a DVD)

At first I was a little disappointed because all I was getting was the version modified for TV. It took a little while but I finally discovered the Wide screen version was on the reverse side. WHAT??!! THE REVERSE SIDE?? How can this be? And if it be, How come it don't be on music CDs?

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Sorry for the parentheses. I have a condition which worsens this late at night.

Interestingly enough, I tend to speak in a simialr fashion with tons of asides. I've never really heard any negative feedback on this and it seems most find it a bit amusing as many of my asides are of a humorous nature. I imagine it could get annoying. Did I also mention I tend to ramble on when I'm tired? Anyway I gotta go get some sleep.

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Definitive sells a DVD with 4 Jazz Casual sessions on one disc (4 Tenors).

One side is has the video in PAL format, the other one in NTSC format. For europeans that's not relevant because DVD players and TV sets play PAL and NTSC signals, but americans have to use NTSC with most of their TV sets.

Edited by Claude
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I think alot of the earlier DVD's had the pan n scan on one side and the widescreen on the other. Not as common anymore though.

As for the two sided DVDs that had to be turned over to watch the whole movie, the only one in recent memory that came like that is the Schindler's List, but its a really long movie. The new DVD of Goodfellas is on one side of one disc...plus has much better sound and picture.

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Current movie DVDs usually have two layers on one side, which allows to have the complete movie on one side. With some DVD players, you will notice the layer change when the films stops for a second in the middle.

For longer movies or DVDs with lots of bonus material, there are 2 DVDs in the set instead of two-sided DVDs which are rather rare.

Edited by Claude
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