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About Rooster_Ties

  • Birthday 03/18/1969

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    Washington DC (formerly KCMO)
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    'Progressive' hard bop (Andrew Hill!!!, Larry Young, Charles Tolliver, Woody Shaw, later Lee Morgan, Tyrone Washington). Also a big fan of 20th Century classical, and Frank Zappa.

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  1. Seeing this clip, I’m astounded at the proximity of the cars (headlights) passing by the studio barely a couple hundred feet away — out the window. How in the hell did the sound of traffic not f’ things up royally, and with some frequency?? It’s a recording studio, for cripe’s sake!!
  2. Unrelated to your comment, but it’s interesting that the older I get, the more I see older shows — sitcoms, WKRP, etc, Carol Brunette, and the 80’s & 90’s Star Trek series too… …the more I see them NOW (literally now, as I’m watching the original episodes) I’m often imagining what the actors were experiencing creating and inhabiting these characters, and interacting with each other (as actors) both in and out of character. And what fun it must have been, or what it was like to ‘be’ these characters before they were fully developed. Maybe it’s a byproduct of the VAST about of interviews now available online (both contemporaneous, and also years later in roundtable interviews, cast reunions, etc) — many of which are great fun and interesting to enjoy. There’s also a vast episode-by-episode fan wiki for damn near every Star Trek series, with tons of episode-specific quotes from actors taken from fanzines of the day, and Trek convention appearances and other interviews over the years. (Thus, NOW, it’s easy to imagine — almost hard NOT to imagine — the making of all those Star Treks while watching them.) Anyway, it must have been incredible fun bringing those two Bob Newhart centered sitcoms to life — and Bob must have been such an interesting, VERY different and unique kind of ‘star’ to have at the center of everything.
  3. One of my favorite clips of Bob… an outtake where he forgets the character name of his wife in the “Newhart” series — and Mary Frann’s response and timing are just perfect.
  4. Wonder what there could be from the 1960’s?? Have to confess I’m not at all familiar with the label, so I don’t even know who was on it in the 50’s either.
  5. My Dusty Groove watch-list (more a ‘curious’ list really, in most cases, than a true ‘want’ list) is literally 3,087 items long (I just checked). Anytime I go CD shopping, I try — if I have time — to go thru everything A-Z, even if it’s just very quickly. You never know what you might find, especially things you knew existed, but hardly ever see. I would NEVER frequent a place like this article describes. At a minimum, I would have to give the guy a list of 50 names, and ask him to tell me everything he has by them — but that wouldn’t even hit any of the sideman appearances by those people. Browsing has netted me hundreds of titles (maybe 1,000?) that I would have never otherwise even thought to look for.
  6. Just gave Shunzo’s debut from 1973 (rec ‘72) a spin again, and I continue to be amazed by this album — and decided to bump this thread for the heck of it.
  7. Ah, I’d overlooked that there were two separate V-Disc sets — thx!!
  8. Yeah, that Kontiz set is really great! Got the issue of it in this series a couple years ago (at full price), and it’s as high-quality a reissue of this material as there ever was — and now a steal for a double-CD for $8.99.
  9. Saw him conduct the St. Louis Symphony 20+ yrs ago, on a program with his own flute concerto (which I don’t think had (or was?) ever recorded, fantastic as best I’m recalling) — along with 3-4 shorter Ives pieces that opened the concert, and I’m forgetting what was on the back half. And my wife and I were in Boston on vacation a couple years later, and I happened to see a poster or maybe a listing in a free weekly newspaper? — for a chamber music ensemble that specialized in 20th century music exclusively. Gunther was in attendance and might have conducted the one longer piece of his they played. In both cases, St. Louis and Boston, he gave a pre-concert lecture too, which we saw. And I had him autograph a couple CD’s in St. Louis, I’m pretty sure.
  10. Flavor Flav is now the official hype man for the US women's water polo team in the Paris Olympics. “Flava Flav signs 5-year deal as official US water polo hype man.” https://www.wfla.com/2024-olympics/flavor-flav-signs-5-year-deal-as-official-us-water-polo-hype-man/
  11. I’ve encountered a few audiophiles who don’t seem to get the music, for being obsessed with ever more elaborate “perfect sound” reissues, and elaborate rigs to play them on. Me and them seem to barely have a thing in common, even about the albums we all owned in common. Holding a conversation with them seemed to always take (me) an inordinate amount of effort, and always wore me out too, as I recall. A couple were annoying as hell, but even the well-meaning ones seemed to be on another planet from my vantage point about the music. Not claiming my knowledge or perspective is superior to all — far from it!! But I will say it was always disconcerting to be talking past each other in our interactions.
  12. Another board member sent me a Mosaic big box via media mail during the height of the pandemic the week before Thanksgiving (Nov 2020) — when so much regular mail was just starting to taking weeks to be delivered. And he sent it media-mail from Santa Barbara CA to Washington DC — door to door — in 36 or 37 HOURS!!! That was based on the timestamp of the transaction at his post office, and the timestamp of when it arrived at the front desk of our apartment building (both from USPS and my bldg’s package checkin system). 36 or 37 hours!! — media mail!!! I’ve also gotten most media-mail packages from Dusty Groove in about 4-5 days at most, sometimes as little as 3 days. Not 100% service like that, but all in all I’ve rarely had USPS package delivery complaints in over 30 years of buying stuff online and tons from Mosaic, etc.
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