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Lenny McBrown Date w/Teddy Edwards & Don Sleet - WTF?


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I'm reading the interview w/Teddy Edwards in the April 1994 issue of Cadence (one of their better and more fascinating oral histories, btw), and they're talking about Ornette's early days in LA, a pretty interesting topic in itself, and then Teddy drops this little nugget:

TE: I did a record date for him for...I think it was Tillie McBrown put it together. We did this date down at Gil Fuller's studio in Los Angeles for somebody. Ornette had written the music, this had to be maybe in the early '60s.

CAD: Who else was on it?

TE: I'm trying to remember. Donald Sleet, and Lenny McBrown was playing the drums, it was about three or four horns on it. Maybe Daniel Jackson out of San Diego. Anyway, the way he played was the way the music was written. It wasn't his session, I think it was Lenny McBrown's date, maybe six or seven guys.

The talk then evolves into discussion about how Ornette and Dolphy were both guys who could play but who couldn't "follow the meter" (Teddy's words). But I'm reading this and virtually SCREAMING at Rusch to get some more details about this record date. But he never did. Oh well, great interview anyway.

So hey - has ANYBODY heard about such a date? I sure haven't. But I'd sure like to hear an early 60s date of Teddy Edwards & Don Sleet playing Ornette tunes, just because.


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ironically, tillie mcbrowne called me a couple of weeks ago for the first time in many years. we never really got the chance to talk though as she hung up on me after i said, "wow, i never thought i'd hear from you again in life." she said, "well, shame on you for believing the wrong thing" and hung up!!! it was actually not a surprising occurrence as she has always been extremelyi eccentric. she managed my ex-husband in the sixties and actually helped us relocate from nyc to l.a. in 1969. i miss lennie. he was a sweet cat. i would call tillie and ask her about that record date but she doesn't allow anyone to have her phone number! -_-

p.s. tillie also managed joe henderson, randy weston, harold land and many other awesome talents, way back when!

Edited by ValerieB
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Geez, Valerie, don't you have Caller ID? ;)

no, i don't, but knowing tillie as i used to, her number would not be identified anyway! sorry.

on another topic, sngry, i've really enjoyed your recent posts on one of my favorite ladies, monday michiru! she's absolutely amazing, in every sense of the word.

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I was just goofing on the Caller ID thing. Hope you know that.

Yeah, I think Monday's great (obviously!). Glad you concur, and glad that you're enjoying the discussion about her. A person of your background definitely knows quality!

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