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Soundkeeper Recordings - Markus Schwartz & Lakou Brooklyn


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Hi everyone,

Like many folks here, I enjoy all sorts of music. A little over a year ago, a friend asked me if I’d heard of Markus Schwartz, a percussionist who has studied the music of Haiti and plays Haitian Jazz and “Mizik Rasin” (roots music).

The name was new to me, so I got a copy of Markus’ CD “Tanbou nan Lakou Brooklyn” and immediately became a fan. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/markusschwartz

I found his music soul stirring, with its organic rhythms and beautiful melodies. Not long after getting the album, I went to see his Lakou Brooklyn Quartet play live at a local club and knew I wanted to record this band for Soundkeeper Recordings.

Here is a YouTube playlist containing a series of three videos, taken the night I saw them.

Aside from all the great music here, check out Markus’ solo at about 3:00 into the excerpt from “Caravan”. His motions seem almost unreal as he is immersed in the music and clearly blissed in the moment. The audience knew this too – and obviously felt it; you can hear the response.

In between sets, I spoke with Markus and the players in his band. We discussed the idea of recording the band “live”, that is, outside of the studio, in a nice performance space, playing in real time, without overdubs; the typical Soundkeeper approach. Markus and his fellow players all expressed interest in the idea and after months of back and forth, exchanging ideas, in June of this year, we did the recording sessions.

Recorded in a beautiful auditorium built in 1908, the music was captured in stereo, at 24/192 (high resolution) and as always, the dynamics of the performance were left fully intact. Unlike the common practice today, there was no compression and no regard for level. The goal was to capture the sound of the band as they would be heard by a listener present at the performance.

On September 3rd, "Equinox" was released on CD as well as in high resolution files-on-disc formats for use with computer music servers. More info at


To keep apprised of other Soundkeeper news, please subscribe to Soundkeeper email updates:


Meanwhile, check out Markus’ music.

I hope you enjoy this music as much as I do.

Best regards,




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A recent comment from Dr. Nick Catalano in his “Jazz International” column on allaboutjazz.com says of Markus and “Equinox”,

“His knowledge of Haitian culture and expertise in its music make this session invaluable for international music enthusiasts.”


Best regards,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello friends,

I hope everyone is staying cozy as the chilly Autumn evenings are upon us.

There is a new review of "Equinox" on KariJazz.com.

Writer Alphonse Piard says:

"...a milestone in the Kreyòl jazz endeavor..."

"...Produced and recorded (live) by Barry Diament of Soundkeeper Recordings with special recording techniques to reproduce live sound performance, the listener will appreciate a sound that gives the impression of being in the presence of the musicians playing..."

“...We enjoy Markus’ dynamic clarity that shows, one more time after Ti Roro, Bonga and many others, how this instrument when played properly can raise polyrhythmic music to advanced level of artistry...”

"...Another gem for Jazz aficionados and collectors… Highly recommended!..."

Read the review at



Ask the artist

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we’re about to do a Soundkeeper Interview with Markus. If you have any questions you’d like us to ask him, this is the last chance to let us know. Please send them to us in this thread or via email at the Soundkeeper Web site and we’ll make sure to include them when we sit down to talk with Markus.

Thanks to all who have purchased copies so far.

Until next time,

Enjoy the coming holidays and Happy Listening!

Best regards,




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Hi Chuck,

Welcome to your own thread. <_<

Thank you.

It *is* nice to see someone else post in this thread. ;-}

I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with some great artists, Markus and the band among them.

And it is nice to see Lakou Brooklyn getting some well deserved recognition.

(I hope it is alright that I post about them -and the recording I feel is easily my best audio work to date- here.)

Best regards,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

In my past few messages, I’ve mentioned our “Ask the Artist” request for any questions you might have wanted me to ask Markus in our interview.

I want to say “Thank you” to those folks who sent in questions. We received some very good ones and included them in the interview, which is now up on our Web site.


It was a fascinating conversation with Markus, who generously shared his time, his knowledge as well as his love of Haitian music and culture. We also talked a bit about his feelings about the Soundkeeper recording process and Equinox, the album that resulted from our recording sessions.

There’s another interview I’d like to tell you about. This one of interest to the technologically oriented.

Over at The Womb, Paul Kavicky has posted an interview with Allen Rowand of Metric Halo. Some of you may recognize Metric Halo as the makers of the hardware and software used to make Soundkeeper Recordings.

Allen talked about the work he does in live sound, also using Metric Halo’s products.


The music on the front and back of the interview is none other than “Dragon Boats” from the first Soundkeeper Recordings release, Work of Art’s Lift.

Best regards,




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I bought one of Markus' discs two weeks ago off my cab driver, who I liked immediately for his willingness to risk a ticket and pick me up in the drop off area at LaGuardia at midnight on cold weeknight. He cranked up something that sounded like it could be Mapfumo. It was loud enough for other cars to hear at 60 mph. I just went along with it for a few miles, then I asked what we were enjoying. I really like the electic disc I purchased, I played every day for about a week. I will edit this post later and indicate what I have etc.

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As 2010 comes to a close, I want to wish all our friends and supporters the happiest of new years.

This has been a great year for Soundkeeper, with the release of our long awaited second project, Markus Schwartz and Lakou Brooklyn's Equinox. The album is being well received and I'm very glad more folks are becoming aware of the extraordinary musicianship of Markus Schwartz, his superb ensemble and their music.

New "Equinox" reviews

There has been a flurry of new reviews of Equinox from music, cultural as well as audio sources.

Here are some of the things folks are saying about this Markus Schwartz, Lakou Brooklyn and the album:

"...The musical traditions of Africa also permeate the rich, sinuous music of Haiti, and to explore this terrain we have a wonderful musical guide in percussionist extraordinaire, Markus Schwartz, and the trio "Lakou Brooklyn", on their recent release entitled "Equinox" [soundkeeper Recordings]. It is always fun to keep an ear out for Soundkeeper Recordings’ Barry Diament, whose recording techniques always create a sound that is vibrant and fresh; natural in image dimensionality and rich in ambient details..."

Read the review on Stereo Times at http://www.stereotimes.com/MR121110.shtml

"...For me, not only does this method of recording result in a very accurate portrayal of the music and instruments, but it gives the music a sort of intimacy that I hardly ever notice with more processed recordings..."

"...Great recording, excellent performance, and fascinating music. Highly recommended..."

"...Another excellent recording from the hands and the mics of Mr. Barry Diament!..."

Read the review on TNT-Audio at


"...It is one of the two best artistic works of the year in the Haitian community in New York..."

"...He [Markus] is conscious of the fundamental role of the drum in a musical piece and especially in the ancestral musical legacy that he is transmitting. And he does not hesitate to break with the traditional linear rhythm in order to enrich its fabric..."

"...Markus Schwartz & Lakou Brooklyn's CD is an absolute must have."

Read the review from Haiti Liberte at


SR Interview: Markus Schwartz

A few weeks back, I had a great conversation with Markus to share with our readers. Some of the questions I asked him were submitted by our friends and customers in response to an earlier Soundkeeper Recordings email update.

If you haven't seen it yet, you can read the interview at


Until next time,

Happy New Year!!

and Happy Listening!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello friends,

Markus Schwartz and Lakou Brooklyn's Equinox is wrapping up 2010 with some more great reviews.

Here are some quotes and links:

Albanyjazz.com polled its contributors on their Top 5 Jazz Albums of 2010.

One of Rudy Lu’s choices was Equinox.


"...The four musicians are very clearly placed on the audio soundstage, with plenty of "air" around them. This disc should be a fine demo of your audio system’s abilities, from the deep bass frequencies of some of the drums to the extended high end of the trumpet and some other percussion..."

Read the review on Audiophile Audition at:


"...The bourgeoning Haitian-Vodou Jazz movement is well served by releases like Equinox that have a distinct identity and a cosmopolitan edge. The album is deeply rooted in Haiti’s native music and brings the genre’s standards to a new generation of listeners..."

"...No overdubbing and no multi-tracking were used for this album and a listener is made to feel a part of the entire experience. Well done Markus!..."

Read the review from the Boston Haitian Reporter at:


See you in the New Year, with some more news from Soundkeeper.

Until next time,

Happy New Year!!

and Happy Listening!



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The CD I purchased was "Tanbou nan Lakou Brooklyn". Do not hesitate, it's sweet and a really dynamic recording.

Hi AmirBagachelles,

"Tanbou nan Lakou Brooklyn" is indeed a great album. It was what inspired me to go see Markus and Lakou Brooklyn live and ask them to do a Soundkeeper project with me.

If you find "Tanbou..." dynamic, you might want to check out "Equinox", where preservation of performance dynamics was a key priority in how the music was recorded and mastered. ( http://www.soundkeeperrecordings.com/equinox.htm )

We've also got an interview with Markus on the site, which can be seen at


Best regards,




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello friends,

At Soundkeeper Recordings, 2011 is off to a great start.

Recording of the Month and reference disc...

It doesn't get any better than this!

"Equinox" as Reference

In the January 2011 issue of Stereophile, editor John Atkinson and reviewer Michael Fremer both used Equinox to evaluate equipment they were reviewing.

In his review of the dCS Debussy DAC (digital to analog converter), Michael said:

"...The hi-rez files of this tuneful, percussive music produced an enormous, airy space in which the instruments were clearly located and layered..."

"...In short, whatever preconceptions digiphobes might have about digital sound would be quickly erased by listening to these superb-sounding high-res files..."

And in the February issue of Stereophile, Equinox was selected as...

Recording of the Month

What a thrill it is to tell you this.

The Recording of the Month in the February Stereophile is none other than Equinox!

In his review, Robert Baird said:

"...Intent on finding that magic equilibrium between sound and content, Diament, a former Atlantic Records engineer, has hit a new high point for Soundkeeper with his immediate-sounding and musically compelling disc of explorations by drummer Markus Schwartz and his Lakou Brooklyn project..."

"...While the technical info is impressive, and the peerless sound is gloriously unaffected and real, the compelling and exotic blend of music on Equinox is equal to the technology–a balance of art and craft that all recordings, audiophile or not, should aspire to."

Thank you John, Michael, Robert and Stereophile!

Until next time,

Happy Listening!



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