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veteran songstress, carol sloane, has a delightful blog

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here she writes of the recent death of bob brookmeyer.......

carol sloane blog


A Highly Personal Recollection

With the sad news of the death of Bob Brookmeyer, vivid memories of our occasionally turbulent relationship flooded my thoughts. We met in 1961 when he and several other prominent jazz musicians were members of the band playing Bill Finegan arrangements for my first album on the Columbia Records label.

Although Bob did eventually achieve sobriety, he was then drinking heavily, and he could be short-tempered and petulant when just moments before he'd been wise and funny and keenly observant. He often appeared at The Half Note, a club on the lower West Side of Manhattan with his co-leader Clark Terry. Some of us fondly called them "Mumbles and Grumbles".

Our friendship grew and eventually Bob, a passionate football fan at the time, became my personal tutor, patiently explaining some of the more complex and intricate components and strategies. Years later he told me how he tested my "girl-friend worthiness" by asking that I accompany him to Sheep Meadow in Central Park one very early Sunday morning. A few musicians gathered there for spirited collisions called touch football. I agreed to act as cheerleader, fetcher of hot cocoa and BandAid supplier. The predictable muscle aches/pains/scrapes ensued, leading to post-game therapy: submersion in a sudsy hot bath. He liked to soak while watching the Giants on a black-and-white portable tv in addition to the sound of a Jets' radio broadcast, cigarettes and beverage of choice within easy reach.

(article continues with link)

Edited by alocispepraluger102
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