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Organissimo Forum Rules



Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Organissimo Forums. We hope to be your number one jazz discussion forum.

As with any society, members of the Organissimo Forums must abide by a set of rules. By reading and posting on these forums you agree in principle to the following rules:

1) The Organissimo Forums support the notion of free speech, although the definition of "free" is defined by the owners and operators of this board. We reserve the right to edit, delete, or otherwise moderate any post we deem inappropriate at any time for any reason.

If you feel a particular post is worthy of a moderator's intervention, please report the post using the "! report" button to the bottom right of the post. The report button looks like this:


2) Anything judged to be a direct personal threat towards another member of this board will be deleted and the offender may face banning and/or even prosecution, depending on the severity of the post. The definiton of what constitutes a personal "threat" is determined by our moderators.

3) We do not tolerate offensive material. This includes material in all threads, posts, links, signatures, attachments, and avatars. The definition of "offensive" is determined by our moderators.

4) Flame wars will not be tolerated! We rarely delete threads, but we often close them and no new posts can be added. If a thread degrades to the point that we deem it necessary, we will close it or delete it.

5) We do not allow posts and threads with political and/or religious content outside the Politics/Religion Forum.

6) We do not encourage multiple memberships or aliases. We prefer one account per person. Anyone found to have multiple accounts will be contacted and asked to choose one of their aliases, at which time the other account(s) will be deleted.

7) We do not allow sharing, trading, or linking copyrighted material that is being offered illegally, including bootlegs.

8 ) We do not allow commenting on the price of wares in the "Offering/Looking for" forum. If you feel a post is extortionate or otherwise problematic, please report the post to the moderators. We also prefer that transactions be handled via the PM system.

9) When posting articles from other websites, do not quote the entire article. Please post a small snippet, then include a hyperlink to the full article. See

as an example.

10) Please remember, this site is offered free of charge and is run by volunteers. We ask that you conduct yourself as you would if you were a guest in someone's home. Please treat your fellow members with respect.

If you would like to discuss these rules and/or a possible violation of them, please do not hesitate to contact us at forum@organissimo.org

Thank you and enjoy your stay!

--- The Organissimo Forums ---

**DISCLAIMER!** The messages posted on these forums express the views of the author(s) of the post and not necessarily those of the management of this bulletin board or the band organissimo.



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