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About Pim

  • Birthday 12/25/1990

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    The Netherlands

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  1. DustyGroove is mentioning the last releases now. I'd say that's a positive sign: https://www.dustygroove.com/item/203712/Pan-Afrikan-People-s-Arkestra:Live-At-IUCC-2-24-80?cat=jazz&incl_cs=1&no_incl_in=1&sort_order=release_date The website is still defunct though....
  2. Yeah I might pick that one up as well. The vinyl sounds amazing though. The sax is very intimate.
  3. What a lovely group of musicians. Fresh and creative improvisation and beautiful compositions. The Freejazz blog is also enthusiastic about it. https://www.freejazzblog.org/2012/07/angles-8-by-way-of-deception-live-in.html? And now time for some Bud
  4. It’s weird to not have someone on your radar who is so much right up your alley. Glad I got to know this guy. This must be the most beautiful version of The Shadow Of Your Smile by miles 😍
  5. I read a lot of books but never checked into this thread up till now. I always read two books simultaneously: one brainteaser and one more accesible. Now reading: and The Bergson is melting my brain where the Jaspers is a little easier to fathom.
  6. Wow that looks great! Good job! It's nice to have a hobby
  7. Lovely creative interpretations of the great Thelonious. One of von Schlippenbach’s more accessible works.
  8. These came up in my recommendations on YouTube. There’s more than just this one. Interesting stuff.
  9. Hoping for that vinyl reissue of Alkebu Lan now. Pure Pleasure did quite a lot of great reissues in recent years. Hoping they won’t duplicate them and start with what PP left on the vaults. I hope they do cd reissues also for the non vinyl buyers. anyway the title of this digital release implies an extensive reissue program.
  10. Definitely. Such a strong band with Joanne Brackeen, NHOP and the great Billy Hart.
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