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IMPORTANT - Welcome to the Organissimo Forums!

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Hi everyone,

Welcome to the Organissimo forums. Thank you for visiting and hopefully becoming a member. You must have a valid email address to make an account. Please double check your email address before submitting your registration. Once you register, you should receive an email from this board telling you to click a link which will complete the registration process. If you do not receive an email, you are NOT registered. Please email me from the email account that you used to register and I will look into the problem. My email address is:


If you have any other problems whatsoever, don't hesitate to email me.

Quick FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Q: I registered but I cannot post or sign in. What gives?

A: Please read the first paragraph above. If that doesn't solve your problem, email me.

Q: What are the rules for posting here?

A: Organissimo forums fully support free speech although the definition of that speech is defined by the owners and operators of this board. We really have one simple rule concerning what you can and cannot say. Anything deemed as a direct threat towards another member of this board will be deleted. We also will not tolerate links to offensive material. The definition of offensive is to be determined by the board owners. This includes all posts and signatures and avatars. Flame wars will not be tolerated! We rarely ever delete threads, but we do have the power to close them so that no new posts can be added. If a thread degrades to the point that we deem it necessary, we will close it.

Also, we do not tolerate multiple memberships or aliases: One account per member is the rule. Anyone found to have multiple accounts will have one or more of those accounts deleted and face possible IP blocking (ie, banning).

Q: How do I delete a post I created?

A: Simply look for the "delete" button at the upper right of your post (p_delete.gif).

Q: How do I delete an entire thread that I created?

A: Towards the very bottom left of all posts within the thread itself is a pull down menu labeled "Moderation Options". Use the command "Delete thread" within that menu. NOTE: You can only delete threads that you initially created.

Q: How do I create an avatar (those cool little pictures underneath my Member name)?

A: Please read this thread for details: Creating an Avatar

Q: The time settings of the board seem to be off. It says it's 12:00pm, but not in my part of the country. How can I fix this?

A: Please read this thread for details: Setting your time zone.

Q: The colors of this board are funky. Is there anyway to change them?

A: As of the new software version, we lost the skins we had created. Right now, there is only one skin. More will be created soon.

Q: How to I change the number of posts displayed per page?

A: Click "My Controls" in the upper right corner and then go to "Board Controls" along the left side of the new screen. Down towards the bottom is a line that says "Number of posts to show for each topic page". Change this to something other than the default.

Q: Someone has posted something I think the moderators should be aware of. How do I alert the moderator of the post?

A: Use the "Report this post" link at the bottom right of the post, next to the up arrow (p_up.gif)

Q: What the hell are those weird robot smiley things?

A: Roboticons (patent pending), a special breed of emoticons created by Organissimo! Use with discretion!!! :rsmile:

Thank you and welcome aboard! :tup

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