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Everything posted by BillF

  1. Rudolph Valentino Valentine Dial Stanley Black
  2. Pratt & Whitney John Birks Gillespie Marcus Schmuck
  3. Simon Mayo Wilfred Pickles Sergeant Pepper
  4. Robert Northern (french horn) Paul West (bass) Harry South (piano)
  5. I have no Alexander albums, but very much like what I've heard of him on the radio. Which is regarded as the best album?
  6. Cardinal Wolsey Morris Zapp Austin Powers
  7. Bebop Spoken Here from KBCS. Now playing: Art Farmer, "Cool Struttin'" from Central Avenue Reunion.
  8. Being a bopper at heart, I'm happier with "Moment's Notice" and "Lazy Bird".
  9. The Manchester Man Jimmy Nottingham Jack Cardiff
  10. Something like my experience, Paul!
  11. Did you discuss the new set of teeth Bunk Johnson had to have to get going again?
  12. That's very true. Some of the finest music I have has been in my collection for forty years, which means I'm likely to be listening to stuff of lesser quality because it's only been there for forty days! One of life's sadnesses!
  13. When Blue Note LPs were coming out in the 60s, I and my youthful friends criticised them for sticking to a formula to create the BN brand: Side 1, Track 1 was very often a heavily accented backbeat number aimed to make the album saleable and perhaps create a hit single; Van Gelder's recording tended to make everything sound "dramatic"; Francis Wolf and Reid Miles's covers always had the same look; certain musicians, e.g. Billy Higgins, were omnipresent while large areas of the music were never recorded by BN. In my maturity I realise these were quibbles and that jazz owes an enormous debt to BN and that some of the finest records in my present collection are on that label.
  14. Violet Elizabeth Bott Viollet-le-Duc Jean-Louis Viale
  15. Barnaby Rudge Bob Barnard Barney Bigard
  16. I have only two Gerald Wilson albums: Portraits and Moment of Truth. They're both very good.
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