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  1. hi BigBeatSteve, you are right, I know the Ross Russell book quite well, but Symphony Sid´s comments are well recorded also. You have it on the complete Savoy Live Recordings "Bird at the Roost" . And on many many other recordings "Summit Meeting at Birdland" etc.

    More than 40 years ago, me and another kid who was a fan too, we just memorized everything Sid said, trying to imitate his voice and even playing "let´s make our own radio show" talking into a tape recorder commenting jazz, it was just fun. I think this was not unusual during our time the mid seventies. A well known austrian radio commentator on pop music stated in an interview he did it also when he was a kid, making his "Sendung" on his own tape recorder in the kid´s room......

    My friend who was a starting bass player loved Bird and Bird´s bass player Tommy Potter was his idol. I remember how mad he went when Symphony Sid on one occasion forgot Potters Name and announces the other musicians and says something like  "the great guys like Bird, Dizzy, Bud Powell, Roy Haynes and ........aaaaah........

    There was another guy of our time Herwig Wurzer who moderated "Jazz Shop" on Oe3 once a week and we also tried to imitate his speech since he was our austrian idol, our kind of "cool voice in the night".

    It was wonderful times, funny music loving kids, spending most of our money on records


    Best regards


  2. Gruß aus Wien von einem Bebop-Fan. Ich lese immer gerne Ihre Beiträge.

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