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tom skouras

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Everything posted by tom skouras

  1. New CD Argo Releases (April 17, 2024) UCCU-3225-3234 Count ‘Em 88, Volume 4, Portfolio, Penthouse, Happy Moods, At Pershing Vol. 2, Listen To, At the Alhambra, All of You, At the Blackhawk A very long-time reader of the forum, and I wanted to alert Jamal fans that, as always, leave it up to the Japanese market to do it right with ten titles from the label that established this unique pianist to the jazz world. I know that Dusty Groove announced this same release, but I just learned today that all of the titles are now changed to delay, and that is never a good thing, since in the past that usually meant the discs never showed up in the US. I strongly recommend using CD Japan to be certain to receive your order and to do so in amazing turnaround time. Example: I placed my order on Tuesday, 4/16, and it arrived yesterday evening! In addition to the speed, another factor is their price was considerably less than DG's $19 price offering at a mere $11.67 per disc, and with DHL shipping still cheaper than stateside sources will charge. Just a tip from yet another lifelong jazz lover.
  2. Hi, New subscriber to forum but long-time reader. I too am a big Les Baxter fan, and I thought you'd like to know that thanks to El Records and Rev-Ola, both English labels, some great titles are available as CD releases: Space Escapade and Fruit of Dreams (both on El) and Ritual of the Savage (Rev-Ola), with African Jazz and Jungle Jazz coming out on July 20 from El as a two-on-one disc. Needless to say, my order is in for this last title!
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