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Head Man

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Posts posted by Head Man

  1. If it happens,I hope that this time out the pressings are better - much better.

    ... wouldn't be difficult :(

    That's why I'm sticking to CDs if and when this ever happens. Mind you, that's no guarantee if they're needle-drops!

  2. I am a fan of the two Minions on Bethlehem ...... Special sort of presentation and "feel" on these lps. . . cheezy but cool too.

    Another fan of the two Frank Minions here.

    These seem to be the only two recordings he made. Anyone know what happened to him?

  3. Yes, it did have excellent sound and the music was excellent as well. I sure wish I still had my copy which I foolishly sold to a traveling jazz record dealer from California. If I remember correctly he gave me twenty bucks for it. God knows how much he got for it when he sold it.

    Hopefully it will form part of the boxset that Jonathan Horwich is intending to release sometime on International Phonograph.

  4. Both the Dick Katz "Piano & Pen" and "Jazz Piano International" albums are excellent.

    The "Jazz Piano International" album consists of sessions by three pianists, all organised for Atlantic by John Lewis in 1957. As well as the four tracks by Dick Katz there are four by Rene Urtreger and three by the very good British pianist Derek Smith. Like all these Japanese Atlantic re-issues they sound terrific (IMO!).

  5. Ethan Iverson has collected thoughts from a sprawling multi-generational cast of some 40 musicians. Valuable. .


    Thanks for posting that, Mark.

    What a wonderful set of tributes. Nothing from Ornette though, which I find surprising... or is it?

    Not really -- Ornette is not in great health these days, and it's always been tough to get him. You either need to have his direct number (and a prior relationship or temperament that allows you to cold call); or you need to go through family to reach him and that can be complicated.

    I assumed that was the reason.

  6. Charlie Haden's albums of duets on A&M/Horizon, "Closeness" and "The Golden Number", made a huge impact on me as I was getting into jazz, from rock.

    hear, hear! those recordings are very important to me, too...

    Yes, 'Closeness' was an early purchase for me. Be nice to see 'The Golden Number' on CD/mp3 - I've never heard it.

    "The Golden Number" has been released on CD... I have a copy. It's an attractive gatefold package similar to the original vinyl release.

  7. Rick Wright's last solo album, Broken China (1996) is quite lovely too.

    BTW, for some reason I forgot to address this earlier, but count me in as another fan of the brilliant Broken China. "Quite lovely" may even be an understatement. Wright may not have been a top shelf musician, but he knew what to play, how to play it, and when.

    This has got to be the quintessential "forgotten" or "overlooked" album.


    You keep posting the same thing. Yawn.

    Sorry, but I have to agree with this. C'mon, Head Man. You're better than this. If you don't wish to add anything to the conversation, then why keep clicking on the thread?

    I can appreciate your apathy, but is there really a need to restate it?

    You're right...sorry. I'll go back to sleep.

    It's just that I have a blind spot regarding the Pink Floyd, even though they were everywhere when I was watching live music in the 1960s. In fact Roger Waters lived just round the corner from where I worked in North London. His house was the only one in the street with an E-Type Jaguar outside.

    I just think they've had their time and should retire gracefully.....like a few other groups of the same vintage I might add.

  8. Thanks for the update, Jonathan.

    Sorry to hear you've been let down by Ace... what a bummer! Let's hope they do put "Self-Determination Music" out... and soon!

    Anyway I guess you can now concentrate on the Joe Daley... make it the boxset.....please!

    Oh yes, and do let us know when "The Giant Awakens" is available so that I can get my order in.

  9. I think it's going to interesting to see where Brazil's main goal threat will now come from. Without Neymar they lack anyone close to a top class striker. He also provided their main creative spark. Oscar's capable of steppiing into that gap but they are seriously blunted with Neymar. Their home advantage, strong team ethic and Scolari's experience may still get thmm cross the line. They just need some more free kicks for David Luiz to belt in.

    * One of my favorite moments so far in the entire tournament was when David Luiz and Dani Alves embraced James Rodriguez after Brazil's win over Colombia, consoled him for an extended period of time, and gestured with their hands that this was a wonderful young star to be celebrated, even in defeat. It was above and beyond the "call of duty" to demonstrate that kind of respect and sportsmanship.


    Nice photo and sporting sentiments but it's just a shame their team didn't treat him better during the match rather than trry and kick him out of it

    Yes, I wonder if they would have done the same thing if Columbia had won?

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