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Posts posted by djcavanagh

  1. I know that this is a bit cheeky (and optimistic :blush: but as my Mum says if you don't ask, you don't get :blush: ) but I don't suppose that anyone might be prepared to order some cds from this sale for me and send them to the UK? I'd be happy to make it worth someones while - for example by buying some of the box sets that are going cheaply over in Europe (see here for example) or anything else that it is easier to get in Europe and sending them over in exchange. Or alternatively by adding a couple of cds to the order...

    If not does anyone know where I might be able to pick up some of the K2s cheaply from somewhere where they are prepared to ship to the UK?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  2. Holy Bejeebers ! I was in the Bath Fopp store yesterday and they had none of this stuff. :rmad:

    Thanks for the advisory ! :tup

    No problem.

    I think that they nust have been saving them for their new "flagship" store - it is much bigger than any of the others that I've been in. I was in the Cambridge Circus store on Saturday and the only box they had then was one of the live Bill Evans ones. And their Blue Note selection was the same size as it always is.

    I wouldn't hang around though - they only opened on Wednesday and have sold out of three sets already, although they did have quite a number of the sets that I listed.

  3. The sale finally seems to have hit the UK. I went to the new Fopp store on Tottenham Court Road (near Goodge St station) and they had a very large selection of fantasy cds at £3 and £5. What is more they had a large selection of the box sets that have been available at 2001.

    They had the following (I didn't note the prices down so I am going from memory):

    Miles Prestige £20

    Art Tatum Group Pablo £15

    Dexter Gordon Prestige £30

    The two Bill Evans Milestone boxes at £20 each

    Evans Riverside £50

    Evans Fantasy £30 (which I don't think made the 2001 site this year)

    Art Pepper at £60

    Monk Riverside £60

    Wes Montgomery Riverside £30

    Stax/Volt Volume 3 £30

    They also had the CR and Riverside boxes. Apparently they also had two Rollins (presumably the Prestige and Freelance) and the Dolphy but they were all gone. Unfortunately no sign of the Joe Henderson Milestone.

    They also had a very large selection of Blue Notes at £5 (including doubles and Connoisseurs - sometimes both!)

    Also, obviously, no K2s but if any of our American brethren are interested in the boxes above just let me know and I'm sure we could work out some mutually beneficial arrangement :D

  4. Hi djcavanagh,

    Sorry it took a while to get back to you but I hear the same thing on Disc 3 Track 2 at 6:44 -- it too must be in the master tape!!

    GREAT music even with a few "blemishes"!!!!


    Thanks JohnT! Glad that I didn't have to go throught with the whole process of requesting a replacement.

    I've only listened to it all once so far but really enjoyed it and am looking forward to getting to know it much better :) .


  5. Great stuff! He's a nice guy. I hung out briefly with him after his Bath gig a few years ago whilst he was having a beer (Bath Ales, no less). Signed the Mosaic booklet for me !

    Nice! I had bought Dusk the day before and had considered bringing it on the off chance but didn't in the end.

    Someone had once described him to me, very authoritatively, in less than complimentary terms as a person. Why, I don't know, but there seem to be a few people on the Board who have had a lot more contact with him and I haven't read a bad word.

    The fact that he nodded to me whilst we were having dinner and smiled is enough for me. God, I sound like a teenager describing the time they met Robbie Williams :blush: .

  6. Fingers crossed on that, hope he's OK. What a shame that we will now be seeing neither Andrew nor Sam at the Pizza Express.

    I know it's not the same, but Vijay Iyer will be at Pizza on the Plaza this upcoming Friday. I hope to make that show. I am a bit surprised that Hill would tour the Netherlands and France and not come to London. Maybe another date will be added.

    I'm pretty sure that I read in an interview with him that he was playing some dates in Europe in April but would also be touring in Europe later in the year.

    I certainly hope so. I had the good fortune to see him in Paris a couple of weekends ago and I thought the quintet were fantastic. They played most (or all?) of the songs from the new album and it was great to hear them stretching the songs out. I hope that he can keep the group together if he is touring again.

    I also managed to meet him before the concert. We went to a restaurant near the venue and as we were going in my wife asked me if I would recognise Andrew Hill. I said of course I would, turned around and there he was. I always worry when I meet people whose music I love (in case they turn out to be a bit disagreebale) but in this case I needn't have worried. It was a great start to a great night...

  7. After Andrew Hill, it is now the Sam Rivers' performance that is cancelled. The Pizza Express website has now Trudy Kerr to play there on the 5th and 6th of May. What a disappointment!

    I've just received a phone call from Pizza Express Jazz Club confirming that the Sam Rivers dates have been cancelled. She said something about an accident so I hope that it isn' too serious.

  8. I heard the same thing on Disc 1, track 2 (can't remember hearing anything on Disc 3). I requested a replacement Disc 1 from Mosaic -- I had explained to them the "distortion" on Disc 1 track 2 in detail -- they just sent me a replacement right away -- no questions asked (they have the BEST customer service!!!). But the same "distortion" was on the replacement Disc 1 -- must be in the master tape -- I wish Mosaic would have mentioned it in the CD notes.

    Thanks John.

    It sounds like cd1 is ok then. I've just listened to cd3 again and there definitely is some distortion on my cd. Whilst Mosaic's service is excellent (to say the least) I'd rather try and find out if there is a problem before going back to them (also it was a gift so I might need to get the email receipt off my parents).

    So if anyone could have a listen to their cd3, track 2 around 6.44 and let me know if there is a "skip" then I'd be eternally grateful :D .

  9. I have just litstened to this for the first time through and really enjoyed it. There were a couple of points on the cd where the sound seemed slightly distorted and,as there wasn't a producer's note, I wanted to check that there wasn't a problem with my cds.

    On disc 1, track 2 at around 1.44, and on disc 3, track 2 at around 6.44 (much more minor than the other one).

    There were very slight scratches on the cds when I got them so it may be this but I'd be grateful if someone could tell me if it is just my cds.



  10. Just spoken to Pizza Express and they say that they now have their provisional schedule and Andrew Hill isn't on it :( .

    They will confirm and start taking bookings on Friday but it looks like Sam Rivers is playing on the 5th and the 6th :) .

    It seems like they have made a complete hash of the whole thing. I just wonder whether there is anywhere else that would be free for Andrew Hill to play on those dates.

  11. Where exactly is Pizza Express Jazz Club? I most likely will be in London on business the end April or the first week of May. I would like to go check out Andrew Hill if I’m there that week. Is there a web site for the club?

    Here is a link to their website. It is on Dean Street in Soho so is very central. Let me know if you have any other questions (although I've not been to the jazz club itself in the past).

  12. Thanks for this! I will definitely be there. The last big BN name I saw was Sam Rivers in Bath. A lovely venue for a great performance with Sam playing the sax, the flute and the ..... piano. (not at once though!) :) I have just phoned Pizza Express to book my tickets, but they will go on sale the end of next week! The person I spoke to was aware of the confusion with Sam Rivers but she could not confirm who would be playing there on the 5th and the 6th. May 5th is my birthday! I know where I will be to celebrate....... :w

    I rang this morning too and got the same message. It does seem incredible that they would be double booked. It isn't very long to go either.

  13. Not sure if everyone over here is aware but Andrew Hill is playing the Pizza Express Jazz Club in London next month.

    I'm a bit confused about the dates as I received a mailing from serious saying that Sam Rivers, Reggie Workman and Jason Moran were playing there on the 5th and 6th. It is Andrew Hill that is listed on their website though.

  14. I also remember a place nearby up a slight hill but I went there on a Monday and it was closed. Any good?

    That store is CrocoJazz! At the top of the Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, just before the Place du Panthéon. Great place run by a good friend Gilles who has an excellent knowledge of everything jazz and also wine!

    It is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Lots of listening plus winetasting sessions have been held there! Quite a good mix which makes the walk down the steep Rue easier :P

    I remember the walk! I tried to find it when we went last but we must have gone on a Monday because it wasn't open. My wife was delighted.

    Thanks for all the info. Unfortunately I'm not sure how much browsing I'll get to do. We're only there for the weekend and I'm already in "debt" because we are going to see Andrew Hill on Saturday - as my wife isn't a jazz fan (something of an understatement :( ) I'll be on dodgy ground if I stray too much from the romantic side of Paris.

    You never know though...

  15. I am certainly sorry to hear this. One of the last of the greats. He led or co-led many of my favorite BN sessions. Very sorry not to have seen him live, but I came to jazz only fairly recently when he wasn't really touring (or at least not where I was living).

    I'm in the same boat - unfortunately came to jazz too late to get the chance to hear him live.

    Very sad news. :(

  16. Apologies to those who were trying to avoid these deals but they have some new ones!

    The Coltrane Prestige @ €50 (502933)

    The Oscar Peterson Pablo @ €30 (502936)

    The Rollins Prestige @ €30 (502934)

    The Tatum Groups @ €25 (500881)

    The MJQ Prestige + Pablo @ €7.99 (!) (500118)

    They still have the Gordon Prestige @ €40 (500733).

    Now if they would just sell the Joe Henderson Milestone at that kind of price then we can all retire happy.

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