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Posts posted by WD45

  1. I've always wanted that 'Sounds of the Junkyard' LP on Folkways. Rod probably has it.
    :lol: Well, actually...

    Some of the tracks are kind of "diddling" around in the yards,

    but in college, I used to blast the acetylene torch tracks out of the dorm room.

    I have 100+ hours of recordings of asphalt roofing kettles that I've made over the past few decades

    (with an excerpt released on disc here.)

    I think that the "Junkyard" LP was probably an influence.

    I have many field [no pun intended] recordings of antique tractors and steam engines. Some of them this summer benefited from my new dual condenser mic setup. I haven't found a place to host these sounds online for easy playback. Thoughts?

    Here is a lo-fi clip of one of the engines i recorded this summer:

    It is awesome, with that odd singing squeak and the never-ending clicks. :tup
  2. Buy 1, get unlimited at 1.99 +shipping/handling. Not quite unlimited if you order online, can't add any more after about 65. I grabbed bunches of Blue Note's, it's not paranoia if EMI really was just sold to greedy corporate raiders!!

    Do you have a code for this? What does it work out to in the end? Anytime I can get under $6 is time to pull the trigger on a batch. :rhappy:

  3. I did this a couple of years ago with a $90 RCA to USB converter from the fine folks at Pinnacle. It comes with some software to create menus, chapters, etc.

    It worked well; my only beef is that it worked best after installing a 2nd hard drive. [Per Pinnacle's recommendation.] That, and it is less than real-time when all is said and done [like you might get with a standalone unit].

  4. I'm surprised there hasn't been any discussion of the new Beastie Boys album

    uh... cuz it sucks & nobody w/o nostalgia gives a fuck about a bunch of poorly aging ex-jews, whatever their few past triumphs? oh, but they're an established "brand" & wow, look who bites, again... granted, not that there's a wealth of contemporary competition for acid funk & it can't be much more boring than new prince album but he had waaaaay further to fall too.

    killah priest the offering

    ugk undergound kingz

    raekown presents icewater polluted water

    boot camp clik casualties of war

    keith murray rap-murr-phobia

    sean price[/p] mixtape whose title i can't remember

    public enemy how you sell soul to soulless people...

    ... other stuff i'm forgetting.


    sal jumps in to say he digs PE too, Alfie screeches but admits he likes UGK also; WD is the wildcard.


    Talib Kweli is a mediocre asswipe-- how many chances does he get?--& doublefuck Kanye's U2 (or something; Andrew Lloyd Weber?) aspirations before they even drop.

    What, no Slim Thug on there?

  5. 3) Are all-metal standard Bb clarinets ONLY good for making into cool lamps?? :crazy:

    I heard from somebody once probably 10 years ago, that you can still find relatively new (new-ish, less than 25 years old anyway) all-metal clarinets in Turkey, of all places. Supposedly there's been some kind of small demand for them in Turkey, off and on, for years. I don't know if Turkey was where they were being manufactured, but that's where he said that anybody who he knew had any kind of decent instrument had gotten theirs (again, talking all-metal standard Bb clarinets here -- NOT of the contrabass variety).

    I talked to Peter Brotzmann about the silver Bb clarinet that he uses. He found that sucker in a pawn shop in Buffalo, and had it rejuvenated by a technician. He seems to prefer it. This coming from someone who plays that tarogato!

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