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  1. A new Wayne Shorter documentary called Wayne Shorter: Zero Gravity is in production and your help is needed to rally support for this film. The film will feature behind the scenes looks at Wayne's life, time in Weather Report and the Miles Davis Quartet, composition process, and music, as well as interviews from friends and contemporaries including Herbie Hancock, Marcus Miller, Carlos Santana, and Esperanza Spaulding. Why is this film important? "This film is for everyone who knows, loves and plays music. Our message moves beyond Wayne Shorter and what we know as Jazz. When we sought funding for the documentary from conventional sources, we were told over and over again that there wasn’t an audience for Jazz that people don’t buy albums or care to watch documentaries on Jazz musicians. Of course this just gave us more fuel to do this on our own because we know there is an audience and Jazz isn’t just a boxed in genre associated with 5 decades of music from the 20th century. And this isn’t just a biopic about a legendary Jazz musician. The reason Wayne Shorter’s life and music is important is that he opens your perception to the infinite possibilities of creating music and is interested in redefining any genre or term associated with jazz. He is jazz history beaming into the future. This is very important for emerging and future generations of musicians to have someone like WayneShorter to lead by example. Theobstacles he has faced throughout his career, how he broke free from them and what he has achieved as a by product is not only inspiring but worthy of documenting as music history. " Dorsay Alavi, director of Wayne Shorter: Zero Gravity The project however can not be finished without the support of Wayne's fans. A Pledge Music campaign is now live to raise funding for the independent documentary. For pledging you receive rewards such as autographed music and cds from Wayne, Wayne's artwork, a voice mail message recorded by Wayne and Esperanza, tickets to Wayne's star studded 80th birthday party and even the opportunity to have dinner with Wayne and Herbie. Please watch the teaser video and pledge at:http://www.pledgemusic.com/wayneshorter
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