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Posts posted by garthsj

  1. MY GOD!! The way you guys act about Mosaic sets, you would think that they were Beanie Babies, or Cabbage Patch Dolls. This "fetishism" about receipts, making dupes and never playing the originals, etc. etc. is turning them into the Franklin Mint of reissues .... :g

  2. Some artists just keep slipping under your radar. You see their names in the rack (or online), and then, you don't know why, you just pass them by. Until last week, Teddy Charles was an artist of such a fate for me. I always knew I should have some Charles in my collection, and now I'm glad I do! As it relates to my current fascination with the work of George Russell, I scooped up this one a few days ago:

    I generally avoid reissues on Collectables, but this one isn't so bad. The remastering is fine if not excellent, and the music ... is great! Just look at the (unique) line-up:

    Peter Urban: trumpet

    Gigi Gryce: alto saxophone

    J.R. Monterose: tenor saxophone

    George Barrow or Sol Schlinger: baritone saxophone

    Don Butterfield: tuba

    Teddy Charles: vibraharp

    Jimmy Raney: guitar

    Mal Waldron: piano

    Teddy Kotick: bass

    Joe Harris: drums

    I don't know why, but I often love recordings with bands that are 8-10 in size. Not authentic big bands with "sections," but groups with augmented frontlines and "rhythm" sections.

    At any rate, would like to hear what you all think of this one, as well as read any suggestions/recommendations for more Charles work. (I did a search before posting, and it looks like the MOMA concert on Fresh Sounds, with Bookers Ervin & Little, comes highly recommended, as does the as-of-yet-unissued-on-compact-disc Russian Music recording on United Artists.)

    I assume you know that "Peter Urban" is a pseudonym for trumpeter Art Farmer. The other Atlantic Album, "A Word From Bird" (as Mike Fitzgerald pointed out) is also very good. I agree that we need to pay more attention to these early "avant-gardists," like Charles, Shorty Rogers, Jimmy Giuffre, Hal Overton, Bob Prince, George Russell, etc. There is some very interesting music to be discovered there.

  3. I have tried for a year or more to get a copy of that Konnex album in the U.S. without success .. are there any left lying around France, Brownie?? 

    Sorry to say that I have seen that Konnex only once. That's when I bought it.

    Konnex releases are not widely distributed in France, it seems.

    The album is listed in the Cadence music sale. You might give it a try. It's really worth it!

    Thanks for the tip Brownie ... I just ordered it. Funny, I let my Cadence subscription lapse a few years ago, and somehow I never think of them for ordering things. This is the second time in a few months that they have found something for me I could not find elsewhere .. the first was the set of Swedish Jazz History albums. I guess I should renew my subscription, and buy a magnifying glass. ....

  4. Just my stupid opinion: The day I don't buy a cd because of whose remastering the music, is the day I stop being a jazz fan and start being an idiot.  Sorry to vent but after so many years of this, I'm just getting sick of this discussion.

    My only negative experience on this list, is that so many of you have caused me to lay awake at night wondering if I have the best BN's available in my CD collection> I should have stuck with my old original LPs!

    Seriously ... that actual day I stopped collecting records, and paying outrageous sums of money for original, scratchy, 1950s vinyl was in 1991, when Jeff Barr, who ran (runs??) a big auction list, called me and wanted to purchase some original very early Blakey BN's from me for a few Japanese colllectors. However, he wanted me to read the "stamping" numbers on the records to him, because these collectors were convinced that one stamping machine in the manufacturing plant was superior to the other in terms of the sound on the album!! I sold him the Blakey albums, and decided that the world of original label jazz vinyl collecting (the "vinyl monkey" on my back) had suddenly passed me by .... I gradually liquidated my entire vinyl collection (about 8,500 albums) over the next few years, the bulk going to Euclid Records in St. Louis.

    Now ... you guys have me all confused again.. To RVG or not to RVG. perhaps to JRVG or to CONN ... that is the question?

    The real question is ... will CDs as we know them be around in 5 years? 10 years?

  5. Got 'Deep In A Dream' after seeing a previous JSngry recommendation of it. It's a great date, indeed! I'll recommend another recent Mariano album. That one on Konnex. 'Frontier Traffic' with Al Haurand on bass and Daniel Humair on drums.

    Very intense and swinging.

    I have tried for a year or more to get a copy of that Konnex album in the U.S. without success .. are there any left lying around France, Brownie??

    What can I say about Charlie Mariano? .... it has been a pleasure to watch his development from his earliest days, through his stay with Stan Kenton ("Stairway to the Stars" ... his great solo), his wonderful albums on the Bethlehem label, and his gradual transition when he moved to Europe. As JSngry said, "he just gets better" .... I am not into everything he does these days, but he still turns out stunning albums, and "Deep In A Dream" was one of my top five albums of 2002. There is no current altoist who can be as "piercing" in his sound as Mariano . Here are a few of my favorites ... Note: there are two volumes of "standards" with Tete Montoliu ..

  6. GOD! I hope that this is not some misguided attempt to be politically correct! The album is a good one, although not one of Shelly's best, and the Jewish theme is, of course, central to the whole concept. So why bother to change it? ... I am NOT paranoid enough to think that Fantasy are trying to promote a jazz album of traditional Jewish songs on the back of our current conflict in the Middle East!


  7. I've got the Miles box--is that the only place where you can find those sides with Lee?

    One of the many things I like about this board is its general love and respect for Konitz. Lately I've been wanting to start a thread about his big-band recordings, because I'm thinking about doing a show based around them. I have nearly all of the later Thornhill recordings, and the Kenton CD SKETCHES ON STANDARDS, which contains four very good LK solos--any other suggestions? In the Cadence catalogue there are listings for two big-band dates with which I'm not familiar.

    The best "swinging" Konitz with Kenton is found on those many "private" recordings of the band made on tour during that period. (Just check the amazing list of these on CDUniverse.com). One I can highly recommend is "Live In Munich, 1953" (Sounds of Yesteryear), and of course on both "Sketches of Standards" and "Portraits of Standards," as well as the essential Bill Russo and Bill Holman material in the Mosaic Box. When one listens to Konitz's solos on these tracks it is amazing what clarity he immediately brings into that dynamic musical aggregation. I love that big brassy Kenton sound, and Lee just cuts through it like a hot knife through butter.

  8. There are bunches of great "Leak Onitz" from all eras from the late '40s 'til today. I am sitting on some more tapes from Storyville in the early '50s and they are wonderful. Just trying to make up a cd worth for Uptown.

    Chuck, is there any chance that I will get to hear those Storyville tapes before 2020? Although my hearing is fine now, who knows by then? Also are these tapes from the original Storyville session, or from a different date? Who is in this group with him? Ronnie Ball? You have me salivating .. not a good condition to be in..

    Also will this be one of the Uptown "Flashback Series" like the Allan Eager and Baron Mingus? These are wonderfully informative releases.


  9. I think I'm going to search out and grab "At Storyville" and "Live at The Half Note" dates. The second one will help fix my need for some more Marsh as well.

    I've already ordered this one. e246132bwgi.jpg

    Thanks! :tup

    Excellent choices. The Atlantic with Marsh was one of my very first Konitz albums, the second to be exact after a 10" Prestige given to me by a cousin who "didn't like him" .. (he was a Benny Goodman fan). Just sit back, close your eyes, and let those long, complex lines flow over you... this is NOT your basic bebop ...

  10. No! No! No! If you really want to follow Konitz's incredible development as an artist, a very accessible introduction to this great improvisor would be the "Konitz at Storyville" album. Then follow this with the "Konitz With Gerry Mulligan" session. This would hook any real jazz fan forever! Lee's improvisation's with the Mulligan Quartet should be declared a "national treasure" ....

    While all the suggestions made so far are all exemplary, they would not allow a listener to hear how Konitz has extended the art of jazz improvisation, and has begun reducing it to its minimilist essence.

  11. Would it be considered "bragging" to say that I have approximately 70 CDs by Lee Lonitz?? :g

    I have been a long time fan, since I was 12 or so ... we long-time fans had to suffer an amazing drought of Konitz recordings in the 60s and early 70s ... His output in recent years is really beyond the completist's ability to keep up ... they appear from all directions because Lee does not have an exclusive contract with any one record company, and every European musician of any consequence wants to record with him.

    There is, of course, controversy about his shift away from his original "swinging" Tristano-based bebop style, to his current more ethereal explorations.

    Konitz is a musician we could spend a year discussing on this list ... I welcome the opportunity ...

    For your viewing pleasure ... a great early album ...

  12. How about:

    Dave Brubeck and Paul Desmond

    Jay and Kai

    Lennie Tristano and Lee Konitz

    Lennie Tristano and Warne Marsh

    Lee Konitz and Warne Marsh

    Jimmy Giuffre and Paul Bley

    Phil Woods and Gene Quill

    Slim Galliard and Slam Stewart

    Bill Evans and Scott Lafaro

    Count Basie and Freddie Green

    Count Basie and Oscar Peterson

    etc. etc ....

    ... And then there are "strange" combinations (which sometimes actually work!) ... starting with:

    Thelonious Monk and Pee Wee Russell

    Dave Brubeck and Anthony Braxton

    or "made in Heaven .... " such as this one ....

  13. We are straying far afield from the original subject pf this thread, but that is half the fun, right? London Records was a major part of the Decca Group, although I believe that they have been absorbed elsewhere now. They were renowned for the quality of their classical offerings, but did, indeed, make many of the Riverside, Bethlehem, and other label's albums available in England, and thoughout the then British Commonwealth. Their covers, in stark contrast to the heavy cardboard then in use in the U.S. were on very flimsy glossy stock, and always ripped! But the quality of the pressings were/are very much superior to those original U.S.pressings. Much like the Vogue reissues of Pacific Jazz and Contemporary Records, these albums still sound very good today. I looked at the internet, but was unable to turn up a list of London Records offerings at that time, but there must be one lurking somewhere.

    Garth ....

  14. On the Buddy DeFranco, do you mean In a Mellow Mood. I can't find Pretty Moods in AMG. Is this one of the cd with Sonny Clark?


    "Pretty Moods" was the original 10" version of one of the Sonny Clark albums (Bobby White, drums; Gene Wright, Bass). The cuts are:


    Lover Man

    Deep Purple


    If I Should Lose You.

    This is a scan of the Japanese mini-LP CD of the original 10" with the superb David Stone Martin cover.

  15. I am not exactly sure why I am announcing this, but it seems to be the custom around here... like getting engaged or something. I pulled the trigger this afternoon on the Chambers/Kelly set, and will reserve my CD dollars for the Shorter/Morgan set next month (if it is still available ... this list can cause runs on sets!).

    There is a favorite Vee-Jay album of mine... The Art Blakey with Buddy DeFranco on bass clarinet ... what a pity that it could not have been remastered and included somewhere, This is DeFranco's only recorded excursion on bass clarinet, and he is just incredible.


  16. Am I  right when I assume this Barclay LP licensed Monk Trios from Prestige, or was it Blue Note or Riverside?

    Barclay licensed from Prestige during the '5Os thru the early '60s. Riverside had a distribution deal with Fontana iFrance in the '60s.

    The Monk trio Barclay album came out during the early '60s. The Herman Leonard photo of Monk with a beret dates from 1953.

    Blue Note had a distribution deal with Vogue in the '50s. A number of BN 78s were issued in France on the Jazz Selection label which was part of Vogue. BN USA in turn issued a number of 10-inchers with sides recorded by Vogue (and Swing) in France, like the Sidney Bechet, Clifford Brown, Gigi Gryce, Lionel Hampton albums.

    Now that I am back at home, I agree with Brownie ... although this book, by Manek Daver, "Jazz Album Covers: The Rare and The Beautiful" published in Japan, does say that "This is a Barclay issue of 1952 recordings using a still earlier Herman Leonard photograph." Now that I can read the actual cuts on the cover, 1952-54 is the time period, so the album was released after 1954.

    w Heath, Blakey:

    Blue Monk

    Just a Gigilo

    22 December, 1954

    w Gary Mapp, Max Roach:

    Bemsha Swing


    18 December, 1952

    w Mapp. Blakey:

    Little Rootie Tootie

    Sweet and Lovely


    Monk's Dream

    15 October, 1952

    w Mapp, Roach:

    Trinkle Tickle

    These Foolish Things

    18 December, 1952

    I trust that this puts this to rest .... more than you wanted to know Mike..

  17. Am I  right when I assume this Barclay LP licensed Monk Trios from Prestige, or was it Blue Note or Riverside?

    The information in the record cover graphics book indicated that the album was from 1952, and that the photograph was taken earlier than that. Now.. which trio sides would have there from 1952? I am at my office for a change, and cannot check the discography to see .. I assume it was licensed from Blue Note ...

    Anyone out there have a copy of the actual LP? I imagine it would fetch a pretty high price among the specialist collectors today.

  18. Bill Perkins has always been one of my favorite jazz musicians, and it was always a terrific pleasure to see him working his butt off on those 4-day West Coast jazz weekends put together by Ken Poston. He appeared everywhere, small groups, big bands, and even the occasional panel discussions (he was basically a shy person) ... a great gentleman and a wonderful musician. For those not too acquainted with his history and his music, it should be noted that he made a dramatic shift in style sometime on the 1970s. He became very interested in John Coltrane, and moved toward a more "open" style, and a somewhat harsher tone .. essentially away from Lester, and toward Coltrane. This did not sit too well with many of the West Coast fans, who can be very stodgy and reluctant to accepy a change in the style they all grew up with (after all, most of us are now over 60!!). But Perk continued to make inventive music up until his death .. he is greatly missed on the scene.

    The seminal "Grand Encounter" album has already been mentioned, and it is one of my all-time desert island albums, even though it has less that 35 minutes of music. Here are a few others that I would highly recommend.

  19. John L, where is that picture in your avatar from?  Never seen it before.  Do you know who is the photographer?

    Leeway and John L. -- please forgive me for being presumptuous and jumping in here to provide the answer. It is a coincidence that last night, while searching for a Riverside series of covers that I had posted about in another thread, I came across this particular photograph. I, too, had enjoyed John L.'s avatar, and therefore took some delight in finding it. The photographer is Herman Leonard, who is most famous for doing most of the jazz covers for Emarcy Records (Cannonball, Brownie, Sarah Vaughan, etc). He also did many covers for the French label Barclay, which is where this picture comes from.

    There are several Herman Leonard sites online ... it is well worth visiting them. Try this:


  20. deus62,

    Any recommendations as to where to begin with the six upcoming SACD releases that comprise the "Exclusively For My Friends" set? I plan to purchase a couple of these shortly after they released, but six would be too much for me initially. The releases are:

    Vol. 1, Action

    Vol. 2, Girl Talk

    Vol. 3, The Way I Really Play

    Vol. 4, My Favorite Instrument

    Vol. 5, Mellow Mood

    Vol. 6, Travelin' On


    I apologize for a scanty answer, but about 2/3 of my CDs are still in boxes while I have new shelves built, and I can't lay my hands on this box set (the original release). My recomendation is to get the CD with the cut "Sax No End" on it. This particular cut, a tune written by Francie Boland, will refute ANY criticism of Oscar Peterson as being "run of the mill" ... and will, at the same time, convince you that Peterson is genuinely one of the all-time jazz giants.

    The London House Sessions have been neatly reissued and packaged in a 5-CD box from Verve. (Is this still available?). Try to get a used copy if necessary. (And a magnifying glass at the same time to read the typography in the booklet ... Verve sometimes becomes too creative by half ... I have a graphic designer friend who thinks that it is "fantastic!")

    Finally, as a teenager, Oscar's version of "Tenderly" from a 1952 JATP Concert was like a bible of jazz to me ... I still play it quite often. Such memories....

  21. .....  As Art Farmer's greatest living fan (self-designated) I have always been an admirer of Cedar Walton, who was Art's pianist of choice on so many great albums. Somehow I had missed this one when it was first released

    Just for clarification, Farmer does not appear on the Astor Place release. The reference to Art Farmer was in relation to an unofficial recording of a live Cedar Walton performance that circulates among traders.

    Thanks for the clarification .. but I was well aware that Farmer is not on this album .. too bad .. although Hargrove is a fine musician. Farmer always brought a sense of inventive, melodic improvisation to almost every session he played on. Somehow he seemed to calm the other musicians, and challenge them to make their solos really say something. Listen particularly to the Horace Silver Quintet, or Sonny Clark sessions with Farmer, in comparison to other Quintets.

    ...... One of these days when I have enough time (and creative energy) I will try to expound on this at greater length ...

    ... and Oh Yes! the vibes were right today .. earlier this morning I had posted that I was listening to Vincent Herring's album JOBIM FOR LOVERS ... he is a vastly underrated musician, and this was another reason I was so receptive to Dr. J's original recommendation.

  22. ..... As Art Farmer's greatest living fan (self-designated) I have always been an admirer of Cedar Walton, who was Art's pianist of choice on so many great albums. Somehow I had missed this one when it was first released, so growing in confidence at the discriminating taste shown on this list, I went searching for this one. I found a "new" used copy on Amazon for $8.95 .. and purchased a copy of "ROOTS" as well.

    BTW Mike, if you search for "Astor Place Records" on Amazon, you come up with 12 albums. I noticed that the Conrad Herwig album, THE LATIN SIDE OF JOHN COLTRANE was selling for over $55 USED!!

    I can highly recommend the three TRIO volumes by Walton on the Red Label, which used to be available at a very good price on the Cybermusic (Allegro cut out) site.

    Thanks for the recommendation Dr. J!

  23. As a former great political leader of this country often said: "I feel your pain". In 1983, I sat through Hurricane Alicia here in Houston with my large collection of LPs wrapped in several layers of thick plastic sheeting. If the roof was going to come off, those albums were going to be the only things that were going to stay dry. 19 hours of most harrowing experience I have ever had later, the roof remained intact, and the albums were saved. In 2001 I eventually sold the entire collection.

    Over the years, digging into used record bins, I acquired some amazing albums with water damaged covers ... I often wondered what people did with their records, some clearly had had food served on them, or I often encountered the Harvey Pekar "cat piss" problem ... why do cats love peeing on LPs? Mine used to use the albums on the lowest shelves as a scratching post ... I worked hard to stop that!


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