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Scott Dolan

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Posts posted by Scott Dolan

  1. Thanks, sal.

    I've already got this one on my list since somebody recently referred to it as being in the same mold as Bladerunner.

    Is it a cautionary tale like Bladerunner was? Man, I love those not so distant in the future cautionary tales. No matter how bad they ultimately are, like Minority Report for example.

  2. I'm thinking more Peter Greenaway meets The Dark Crystal and they have Gelflings for supper.

    wonder how much torture and blood letting etc there is? but these days compared to promos for all the CSI bits you see while watching a football game opinions vary as to what's a bit too much.

    Everytime I see commercials for those shows the only thought that comes to mind is "geez, what's with all the fucking yelling?!"

    The extreme melodrama just reinforces why I don't watch much tv anymore.

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