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Scott Dolan

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Posts posted by Scott Dolan

  1. What kind of bike, Moosely?

    We had three days worth of ice storms over the weekend, and it's eithre flurried or snowed every night since. Supposed to get more snow on Sunday. Global warming, dontcha know...........

    Temps have pretty much stayed at, or below, freezing. Fairly standard fare for this time of year.

  2. mahi-mahi.jpg

    I thought we were talking the mammalian persuasion?

    It's the dolphin-fish, better known is restaurants as mahi-mahi. Especially yummy when lightly marinated in lime and grilled.

    I'm familiar with it, having lived on the Gulf Coast for over 20 years. Hence my previous comment.

  3. I bet the dancing is covertly encouraged by NFL marketing heads. Some people love that stuff. I always find a degree of satisfaction to an offensive team converting a 3rd and long after some dimwit defender celebrates a 1-yard loss on 2nd down like he won the game.

    :tup ...amen, brother!

    Amen +1 here as well.

    And here I thought the NFL was supposed to be a "professional" league. Some of these guys need to sit down, shut up, and do their fucking jobs when they're on the field and leave all that other immature horseshit at home.

    Sheldon, my wife cracks up everytime she sees Lewis doing his silly little routine too.

    How embarrassing.

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