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Uncle Skid

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Posts posted by Uncle Skid

  1. Thanks very much for the tip, Eric. I've been thinking about buying the Rounder box set, but (for the same reasons you mentioned) will probably just purchase the MP3s.

    Can you (or anybody else) please give me the details of "the Lomax book"? Is that the "Mister Jelly Roll" book? Was it included in the other Library of Congress recordings set?

  2. Skid, you gonna say something or are you still in shock? You've been looking at this thread all morning! :g


    Yes, I'm in shock... I can't believe you've put away all of your 80's hair metal vinyl long enough to listen to some _good_ music!! :P

    Seriously, this is a great record, and this thread has prompted me to put it on again this morning. I haven't listened to it in a quite awhile.

    Next up: Roscoe Mitchell and the Sound Ensemble - Snurdy McGurdy and her Dancin' Shoes. (this is another great one, Al... and there's a couple of really great Von Freeman records on the Nessa label that you don't want to miss, as well!)

  3. I have an almost 15-year old daughter. For her (and all her friends) cell phones are a "way of life".

    I can't say this study (and others) doesn't concern me. I share porcy's skepticism.

    I got rid of my (business) land line a few months back, and, as far as I'm concerned, the inverse-square law is my friend. I sometimes spend hours on the phone during the day, and the cell phone is on the other side of the room. Junk science or not, I hate talking on that damn thing, so I have a gadget that hooks it up to my "regular" phone.

    Cell phones may be "glorified radios", but no normal radio puts out anywhere near that much electromagnetic energy. Plus, I'd bet that most of us don't hold our radios up to the side of our heads for hours!

  4. I've considered doing it alphabetically, but every time I start, I usually get distracted before I'm done with 'A'. Got to Louis Armstrong once, but that sent me off on a Jelly Roll Morton kick for awhile, and then I skipped back to early some early Ellington.

    It just occurred to me that I should consider organizing the music chronologically -- that might give me a fighting chance! :blink::)

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