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mr jazz

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Posts posted by mr jazz

  1. 18 minutes ago, riddlemay said:

    Dumb question. If I downloaded a hi-res track from HD Tracks (let's assume for the moment that it's a well-sourcedwell-mastered download), and then burned it to a CD (because basically that's the only way I can listen to it on my current home system), do I throw away all the benefits of high-res?

    short answer is yes. Google is your friend here. My Oppo BR player will play almost any resolution so you can either send it via your network or load it on a flash drive and play it though the usb port on the machine. 

  2. AJACS is strictly a listening room so no booze and while there is food available, very few people seemed to be eating it. That said, there's a decent piano and a B3 both of which Bill played very well with his trio. He did some blues numbers and a couple of very nice Tyner pieces on the piano and paid tribute to  Don Patterson and Shirley Scott on the B3. Next time I'll eat and drink before arriving. He also tells some very funny stories as well-quite a raconteur. The place, as Bertrand mentions, was pretty empty but the audience was appreciative.

  3. From his email:

    The only other dates I have this month would be a 7:30 - 10 pm solo at Haydee's Mexican Restaurant on Mt. Pleasant at Irving, Columbia Heights, NW DC Tuesday, Sept. 26 and a trio gig at Jac's (6 to 9 pm) Wed. the 27th where I'll play a few tunes on the organ they have. It's on 12th and Franklin NE DC.

    I'm going to Jacs. If you've never seen him, he's a real artist and a funny guy as well. 

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