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Posts posted by PHILLYQ

  1. OK.

    Pablo Sandoval got four pitches in four ABs? Must be a record of some sort.

    Personally, I think he's channeling Pedro Feliz; the undisputed King of swinging at the first pitch.

    Ha! They're nothing compared to Yuni Beatencourt.

    Apparently, you guys have never heard of Jeff Francouer. ^_^

    These guys think plate discipline only applies to all you can eat buffets!

  2. Here's hoping he now has the time to complete the book that has been announced for over a year:

    Soul Jazz: Jazz in the Black Community, 1945-1975

    One I have been anxiously awaiting.


    I just saw Porter do a talk on Don Byas at the Detroit festival, and the guy who introduced him said the book was coming out next year. That's been quite a wait...


    IIRC, Porter had a pretty serious stroke, so maybe everything got a bit sidetracked.


  3. RCA came up with a way to market classical music with a sexy angle to young single females. What's particularly stupid about this series is that the suggestive poses on the covers are cartoons, therefore earning parental advisory stickers, instead of due to the music. Here's the Mozart anthology:






    'Bedroom Bliss with Beethoven', 'Shacking Up with Chopin' :rolleyes:

  4. I once had a double sighting at Kennedy Airport in NYC. I went to meet someone there, and I see this guy with hair going straight up, like he stuck his finger in an electrical outlet! It was Don King. A few minutes later, while waiting for my friend I saw Jimmy Knepper and I helped him find the right gate for his flight.

  5. : The NFL has reportedly informed its teams that replacement refs will be used for the start of the regular season.

    :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:

    So the NFL makes a big deal about player safety and then has the games officiated by a bunch of scabs, thus further endangering the players.

  6. You mean Colon wasn't "suspect" last year with the Yankees when he was getting those goathead braintissue injections into his kneebone joints from that doctor in Peruvazuela that was being hailed as a miracle of modern medicine, or whatever it was?


    PEDs only happen in the Bay Area. :rolleyes:

    Interesting too that both have an ARod connection..... whistling.gif


    Melky Cabrera's BA in Chop-lanta was like .158 or something then all of a sudden he's hitting out of his shoes in KC.

    But the Giants were the reason why he was on PEDs. Sure.

    The East Coast guys are just pushed out of shape because Bud Selig made the All-Star Game result the home field advantage. Melky gets the MVP, the Yankees fans get all up in a lather [assuming they make it to the WS] and all of a sudden it's about the Giants and PEDs. Fine. Whatever.

    Tonight, I just want to see a Giants sweep of the [hated] Dodgers.

    So you're OK with a cheater maybe deciding home field advantage in the WS?

  7. King Felix tosses a perfect game

    He beat the Yanks a few weeks ago and was brilliant, congrats to a good pitcher.

    Jim Sangrey, did you see the Yanks/Rangers last night? Very good game, scoreless into the 7th, when Ogando came on in relief and gave up a couple or dingers. Hiroki Kuroda pitched a great game, 2 hits, 2 walks no runs, no-hit for 6.

  8. Bobby Valentine pissing off the people he works with? I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED.


    OTOH, has the (as I've always understood it) Yawkey legacy of players ultimately having their way ever really been purged from this storied franchise?

    Not to say that Valentine's not gonna ultimately be a self-serving back-stabbing prick, we learned that here a few decades ago, but at some point, any player on any team needs to take an ass-chewing from the manager when it's deserved, and I don't know of any case on any team when that's not ever been the case.

    Those Bosox players come off as a bunch of whining wussies! Everyone here has had a boss or two that they didn't like, that's life. You make sure you do your job and do it well regardles of who the boss is.Seems to me the Bosox players have been pampered and coddled to the max.

  9. "irreconcilable differences" - he must have walked in on her while she was listening to a Pat Metheny album. :w

    Maybe she was listening to Kenny Garrett and told him that was the real Kenny G!

  10. Mine was Lee Harvey Oswald's murder- a live murder on TV

    Second was Nixon resigning- I turned 18 that year and was able to vote

    Close behind were the Watergate hearings- IIRC, it was summertime and I had no summer job, so I watched hours and hours of it and was greatly impressed by Elizabeth Holtzman, who represented my district in the House.

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