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frank m

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Posts posted by frank m

  1. I can't believe that Peplowski only got one vote. To my ears, he's better than Goodman ever was. I betcha it's because most of the voters here never heard him, on records or in person.. I know I never heard of a few of the appointed candidates on your list. What this means to me is that the jazz community , small to begin with, is so segmented within itself that one part doesn't even know whats going on outside its own limited preferences. How we gonna get new members if we don't develop at least a bit of curiousity about other types of jazz than our own?

  2. A day or so ago I was surfing for jazz cd's among sources on the web. I found a picture of a japanese concord label. It was called "Dear Friends" and it was by a group of Concord jazz artists visiting Japan. Only two I remember were Warren Vache and Scott Hamilton. I was called away from the computer by some canine uproar and when I got back it had disappeared. Anybody know ANYTHING about this????

  3. I don't know anything about the poodle story,nor do I care to know, but out of my deep respect for Peggy Lee, I hope you suppress what is a dirty rumor. When she died, the NYTimes had some punk kid, who knew her work only when she was old and ill, wrote a snide "funny" obit. The Times announced later that they were immersed in letters of complaint about it,(one of them mine).

    About "The Folks Who Live on the Hill" I heard her say that it was her favorite, going back to the time of her marriage to Barbour. and that she always ended in tears when she sang it.

    And I might point out to you new discoverers of her work, that there is a little known recording of hers that I consider close to her best. Just Peggy and piano--"While We're Young" . It is available as a single at iTunes for 99 cents to download.

  4. I was at a concert at which Kenny Daverm was playing a solo in the upper register of his clarinet when I suddenly realized (being a clarinetist manque myself) that in order to resolve his solo he would have to hit a note above the upper range of the horn. To my utter astonishment he did just that.Even Dick Hyman, who was accompanying him on the piano, looked at him in astonishment while his eyebrows arched up on his forehead. I later heard him on a radio interview discussing how another clarinetist (I forget who) taught him the fingering for it. Basically the idea is siimple. You excite with the phony fingering the subharmonic of the note you want to hit and overblow it so that you end up with an octave above the subharmonic, ending up wiith the note you want. Simple,wot? Try it if you thiink so. I can't do it with my lip. :blink:

  5. If you don't want to fish cables through walls, try am outfit call C Crane that sells a little rig for about 50 bucks? that plugs into the earphone jack on your computer and puts the stereo signal onto an fm signal with enough strength to reach your hi fii rig's tuner. tune your fm to the signal frequency and your you can do anything you want with it in your hi fi rig. Listen to it, record it on tape or cd. Up to you. ;)

  6. I'd used PC's and larger machines at work for years before the popularity tidal wave hit. I've had the earliest home machines as wrll as a fairly sophistocated Dell with windows. I got my wife an iMac a few years ago because of its simplicity of use and was so impressed with it, I got me a more sophistocated Mac for my use at home--and never looked back. The Mac comes loaded with so much software you may not even need any more. However my wife needed a bigger data base but that was it. You might need something else for graphics, but that's beyoond my knowledge.

    Best you get some personal advice on that score. For my needs, the spreadsheet and wordprocessor that comes with it is plenty. But you certainly need some consult onwhich Mac best suits your needs.

  7. Stop using formulas and just use logic. The previous post is almost right, but wrong. First chance is 1/13 ok. second is 3/51. third chance is 2/50----but since it doesn't matter what order you draw them the result is too big by a factor of the number of ways you can rearrange the 3 picked cards and still have the same group of three. So the correct answer is

    1/13* 3/51* 2/5



  8. Kayser was a businessman whom a failing band brought in to front and manage the band. He got the band a quiz show on the radio, which was run as something of a joke, and became very popular, due mainly to the ebullient personality of Kayser,, and some of the musicians.Remember radio then was as popular tv is now. I don't know who ran the band musically but despite the fact that it was a better than average pop band, they played very cleanly and well and had very good arrangements and had very good and popular singers. In no way did they touch on the jazz genre, but they managed to have a distinguishing sound (soprano lead for sax section) and some pretty good players. All in all, I liked the band.

  9. Jim Dye (or anybody else who knows)---

    Checking the specs on the Griffin I still have some questions--

    They cite a frequency response of 20Hz to 20KHz. Why then do they refer to in terms of its use as a recording device for vocal recording only, not for musical recording???Anybody ever used an iPod for recording live music with it?

    Looking at the website for Griffin-they mention a thing called iMic which is apparently used with the Griffin device (and an iPod??) Now I'm really puzzled.

    Griffin cites that the device is available from Apple Store. Going there I find a lookalike device manufactured by another company. No mention of Griffin. What gives? Cam anyone help me with these seeming inconsistencies???

  10. I've looked at the specs, read the literature, amd looked at all your posts. But I still haven't seen any mention of whether the dang things will work off a microphone. And if so, what kind--crystal,magnetic moving coil, moving diapragm , high inpedance, low inpedance.?? If not, why not? An audio modulated voltage is an audio modified voltage whether it comes from a mic or an amplifier. Anybody know for sure?????? :unsure:

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